Hello guys. I need to rotate a freeze transformed mesh around an off axis object. I can do this with a custom mel script called LocalTools for Maya. Here you can see;

But my question is how can i do this process without using a custom mel script? We are in Maya 2014 and i dont want to believe that maya doesnt contain a tool for this. What i am missing?

Thank you.
This only works for Move and Scale; the Rotate tool has no such alignment capabilities.
Generally when I'm working off-axis I will group the objects I am working on and freeze the transforms of the group, which will retain the transformation values of the children and allow local rotation to still work. I only freeze transforms of a mesh at the end of modeling to avoid such issues.
I suppose what you could do is to create a cube primitive and use the Snap Together Tool to snap the mesh to one side so it will be perfectly aligned along the axis. Then Freeze Transform and reposition it manually. It's not perfect, but it should do the trick.
Just curious how you run the HKLocalTools mentioned in the OP? Nothing happens when I run the script in the script editor. Is it compatible with 2014?