How does one take an older script and update it to be compatible for new versions of Maya? Would I have to recreate the script again or be able to change a few things in order for the scripts to work? If so, where's the best place to learn scripting for maya?
Thank you
I recommend python because most answers are a google search away. A lot of the MEL stuff is on 10 year old web pages that may be out of date. The documentation is a good place to start.
As for updating scripts. Usually they just work. I'm using a couple of scripts from CreativeCrash from 2003/2004. I'll need a specific question for a specific answer.
You're right about giving a specific question. I'll look around the internet for help in understanding programming. Thanks
Activate all echo's in the script editor (top bar) and then try and run the script. Maya will tell you what is generating an error.