So I've been practicing handpainting textures to low poly weapons.
Now that I've finished the texture and model to a point that I'd like to see it in Torchlight 2, I've gotten in massive problems.
I use 3ds max to modelling. The problem is that when I try to export it to Blender for sizing, 3ds max says "Object x has incompatible texture mapping".
Also if I just straight away make the Ogre .scene exported weapon from 3ds max to a completed mod, the item appears in game, but the mesh is invisible.
I used mainly this tutorials workflow.
[ame=""]TUTORIAL - How to import custom Weapons in Torchlight 2 - YouTube[/ame]
Anyone else had the same export problem?
Haven't found any solutions to this.
Would love to mod this game, but seems impossible...
1. Turning off Backface cull in the object properties.
2. Reset the xforms and collapse the stack.
3. Add an unwrap modifier and make sure all the UVs on channel 1 and 2 are inside 0-1 space.
You my dear sir deserve a huge medal made of nothing more than the Koh-i-Noor itself.
At last I got the weapon working in-game. YES!
Had to export it to .obj to embed the texture. The problem with the .3ds still exists, but at least I can get the model working this way.