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Lady Parts

polycounter lvl 6
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Chris Kuhner polycounter lvl 6
Hello friends,

Until now, I haven't created a female character and thought I was at a decent place to show some progress and start this thread (though I probably should have made this sooner!). Currently the project is a female soldier/recon/stealth character with a futuristic inclination. Ok, not the most creative thing in the world; but, I thought it would be a good challenge for me. My goal is to have a realistic character suited for next gen consoles.

Loosely based off one of my past concepts (http://ckuhner.dunked.com/2d-work/lightbox/#434621), I've started to diverge from the original quite a bit.

Short story long, I'd really appreciate any comments/suggestions or critiques as I go along! Thanks everyone. :)




  • theStoff
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    theStoff greentooth
    Looking good so far. One thing that I find though is that the upper body may be a bit vertically squished but that could just be me. Are you going to include that armor plating from the concept? Regardless keep it up.
  • [Deleted User]
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    [Deleted User] insane polycounter
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  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 13
    Nice start, she's alittle like lady with man parts atm tho, she has a strong jaw and very broad shoulders. tweak those and you've got a nice sci-fi chick on your hands :thumbup:

  • Scythe
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    Scythe greentooth
    i agree with mark, she looks good but kinda need to be more feminine :), nice job
  • Torch
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    Torch polycounter
    Nice paint over Mask! /agree
  • Steve Schulze
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    Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18

    The shoulders could maybe use some adjustment, but do not be suckered into giving her a generic girly face.
  • Steppenwolf
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    Steppenwolf polycounter lvl 15
    Expected something else from this thread. ^^

    Yea don't go for the girly look. She looks like a tough soldier so if that what she's supposed to be i see nothing wrong with her features.
  • nozone
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    nozone polycounter lvl 4
    I agree whole-heartedly with Jackablade and Steppenwolf (sidenote: I love most of all that I get to write a sentence today where I'm agreeing with people named Steppenwolf & Jackablade! But I digress...):

    Leave the face as you have it!

    What you've got there is well-constructed, displays clearly-understood anatomy, and ABSOLUTELY reads as a woman, 100%! Not a 'Hollywood-pretty' woman, but not hideous by any means, either, and most of all, that face is PACKED with character!

    Mask_Salesman's paintover --accomplished as it is-- is the path to a lateral move, rather than an improvement: the result will be a *different* character, but certainly not a *better* or somehow *more female-looking* character.

    Right now, she looks like a Real Motherfuckin Tiger, as opposed to the Fake-Ass, Got-It-At-The-Mall Tigers that pop culture relentlessly turns 'female badass' characters into (by essentially holding the beauty standard paramount at the expense of individual identity/expression).

    It's your piece of art, and thus your personal aesthetic and intent for the piece MUST hold final sway. I just hope that the strong sense of character and spirit you've got going with her survives your refining/finishing process.

    Awesome work so far! I look forward to seeing what you come up with!
  • Chris Kuhner
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    Chris Kuhner polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for all the feedback guys! I haven't had much time to work on her in the last couple days but will definitely have some more progress soon.

    @ kosh_fotsirk: Thanks man, she'll definitely have armor plates over top. Maybe not the same exact once that are in the concept however.

    @ TeriyakiStyle: I see what you mean. I've a small folder with a variety of images I've been using as vague reference as I ultimately want to have my own face at the end of this. I'll upload those as well as some progress soon.

    @ MaskSalesman: Thanks for taking the time to make a paintover. I agree to a certain point and think I can find a middle-ground between what you have and what I'm looking to achieve aesthetically. I'd like her to look tough and have some grit. I have yet to do a detail pass where I'd like to add in some asymmetry and imperfections, possibly some scarring.

    Thanks again for all the feedback everyone, I have a lot of information to move forward with! :D
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