I kinda don't get the difference between ddo and ndo.Does ddo include the features of ndo and other stuff or its just for assigning and altering material types rather than texture maps?or its meant for different ppl working on one scene and ndo is tailored towards personal use.
I don't like the fact that ndo/ddo work with photoshop only as against crazybump that is a standalone app but it seems quixel's apps are more powerful than what Crazybump has to offer.
nDo creates normalmaps from colour, or allows you to draw normalmaps fairly easily. it also allows you to edit existing normalmaps by adding additional details to it.
dDo takes normalmaps, along with other input maps (if desired) and helps generate textures from presets.
Trials are aviable for both so give them a shot, for my workflow I get more use from ndo2 since I still prefer to do everything by hand.