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Dynamesh and subdivisions

polycounter lvl 10
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SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
Hey polycount,

So I have a question regarding dynamesh in Zbrush. When I sculpt something like a head, dynamesh is a no-brainer, but I also want to be able to have many subdivisions too, because it's not cool to work at high poly all the time. What are my options? Retopo it by hand and reproject details? Zremesher(it doesn't work good for me, creating a lot of problematic areas) ? If someone could point out some techniques, that'd be great :)


  • Bal
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    Bal polycounter lvl 17
    You pretty much mentioned the solutions already in my opinion.
    I go back and forth between dynamesh and subdivisions. Usually I start out with just random dynamesh, then once I'm satisfied with the shapes, duplicate the mesh, Zremesher it, subdivide a few times, and project the dynamesh detail onto it to continue working from there.
    Sometimes if a large scale change is required I'll transform it back to dynamesh and
    start over later on if necessary.

    Sometimes for specific objects (mostly hard surface stuff) doing retopology by hand is better than using Zremesher, especially if you want to add some creases and such.

    What problems do you have with Zremesher? Gives me good result overall, sometimes I just need to help it a bit with some guides or with some density-changing polypaint.
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    I can't seem to nail down the proper topology on a head for further sculpting. It keeps screwing up ears and fold on a face, and I can't carve things I need because it smooths and subdivide badly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, or I'm trying to use zremesher too early in sculpting process...is there a good tutorial for zremesher? I can't find one.
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