Hello what softwares do you use to make or help you make lods for objects in game environments?
I tried this one and found pretty good , but now the trial expired and wanted to try something else befoure eventually considering getting it .
I found the optimize modifier in 3dsmax useless as doesn't preserve texture mapping and edges ... Other ideas?
I mean mostly to make lods not retopologize a hp model.
edit* This is depending on the target device. I think less lods are ok in the next gen pc/console games.
I have only optimize modifier in max 2011 .
Obscura , I need it for some mountains ... so I guess are quite visible from distance
Simplygon is a powerful professional solution. Not sure how expensive it is but it gives some fairly good results and has lots of options to preserve various aspects of your model.
To add on the UDK LOD tool, CRYENGINE also has one. I'm sure there's a plugin for Unity too.