Hello guys

here's a scene i'm actually working on, this was meant to be a light study and a good chance for doing some Zbrush practice ^^
here some references this is the kind of mood i'm trying to achieve..
Everything is still very WIP and this will eventually be part of a bigger project maybe

. Now i'm trying to develop a very solid lightining setup.
Advices & crits are highly welcome!! Thank you!

Great start you have here.
Its also a good idea to work on lighting early.
I never do and it always becomes my biggest problem, lol
A couple of observations;
I like the shapes of your rocks, but the texture on them is noise and does not support the shape.
The grass, seems too repetitive in density, color and height.
I like your pathway but now it gets lost in the foreground and there is a very sharp transition from grass to path.
With so much nature, there would be grass growing between the stones.
Personally I'd throw in some dirt patches and lighter areas in the grass, work on a more plausible transition from grass to path and dirty the pathway stones up with some earthy colors.
Lastly, a lot of the lighting references you posted have very moody atmospheric light from early morning/late afternoon. It feels as your image currently is mid-day.
I think your image could benefit from some atmospherics and a different time of day.
Hope these help, this looks really promising.
I'll soon post more updates
This looks great
A couple of nit-picky things;
I liked the way you had the foreground lamp before.
Now that you have foliage in front of it, it flattens against the background.
Have you tried lighting it? It may not work but a warmer light in the foreground might be interesting.
I believe you could make the scene more interesting simply by leaving the entrance full of blackness, it adds mystery.
Good job
Great job