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Knight (Lunchtime WIP)

Hey guys.

This is something I've been working on during lunch hours at work as a break from regular non-character 3D work in zbrush. Not much to her, other than she's sort of designed as an anime-esque dynamic figurine. I'm mainly struggling with sculpting flowing hair correctly so any tips and critiques otherwise are super appreciated.

Of course lots of areas are still WIP like the sword and such.



  • whiketan
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    whiketan polycounter lvl 3
    Wow this is beautiful, I couldn't do this even if I tried. I love the armor, the hair and flowing thing on the back of the helmet does seem a little off but you said its work in progress so whatever. You could try to do the hair like ysalex does mabye. The perpetual frown kinda bothers me, but then again I guess that would bother me on a real person too so thats just me i guess. Nice stuff anyway I love it!
  • SkywardWizard
    Thanks, glad you like it! The frown is sort of un-intended sorry, I'm still not great at sculpting faces. I've fixed it a little so it's more of a... stoic gaze? (I hope!). Thanks for the lead with hair as well, I've had a go at styling it like ysalex and the result is much better.

  • SkywardWizard
    More updates, much of the work remaining is in the sword and hair fixtures

  • Anthricus
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    Anthricus polycounter lvl 5
    Looks good dude but not really liking the hair at the moment i think it looks a bit too much like an anime style ( i know you havent detailed it yet but it looks a bit too sharp and pointy in my opinion)

    Did you sculpt the hair from a base mesh or from zspheres / dynamesh?

    I would unpinch the ends of the hair, hair only really does this when its been gelled or stuck in place with hair spray and it looks like her hair should be much more flowing and have wider tips. then put in the detailed strokes of the hairs direction

    apart form that is looking pretty awesome and the armour and cloth is great :D

    hope this makes some sense :P
  • SkywardWizard
    Glad to have some feedback on this! Thanks for the tips on the hair, it was done by extracting her scalp and snakehooking the strands out, that explains the wierd anime/gelled look...

    Do you have any images of the kind of look you're talking about? I found this thread on Zbrushcentral: http://www.zbrushcentral.com/showthread.php?181930-girl (sorry for the external link!) and I like the idea of crafting the hair out of planes. I think it achieves the flowing, wider-tipped look you're talking about?
  • Anthricus
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    Anthricus polycounter lvl 5
    Thats a great example if you want to make it from planes but their are other methods you could use!

    example of the sort of results you can get from using zspheres or a dynamesh spheres for hair:
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cjrNOULABjA"]Tips for sculpting hair - YouTube[/ame] Kinglslien is boss!

    i wouldnt use snakehook as i imagine its the brush giving the pinching i was on about rather than your sculpting,

    Follow the techniques Kingslien uses here to add volume and mass to the hair if your using a base mesh but i would use the methods in this time lapse :
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dvCompIskoY"]Daydreamer sculpt timelapse - YouTube[/ame]

    To create the hair it starts at about 3:30 in,
    Dynamesh Sphere -> flatten down, pull it around till you have 1 part of the fringe accurate or hair flowing as you want it -> add in more spheres as required and repeat :D

    P.S: pretty sure you went to Staffs right? im currently a student there in 3rd year :P
  • Stinkfoot
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    Stinkfoot polycounter lvl 11
    it reminds me of something from Yoshitaka Amano's artwork, thats not a bad thing XD
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    If you look at Ysalex's thread here, you may get some idea of how to do flowing hair, or even message him. His final model is pretty awesome.
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