Hey Paul, I'm really sorry to hear about your situation, and wish you all the success in the future, I'm not going to be much help but this is a great community here and hopefully some of the pros will stop by and help you out.
I really love your work though and you have a nice style, it would however, be really nice to see this work with some colour in it - textures and the like
shrapnel: Thanks for your encouragement. People here are really nice, thats the reason why i started posting here. I'll definitely texture the male anatomy model i did. Working on a sci-fi armor on a girl at the moment. Still trying to get a hang of hard surface sculpting workflow.
This is a starter kit i created free for download for zbrush beginners who wanna focus on sculpting but need polypainted eye textures for presentation or reference purposes. Did it this morning while experimenting with polypainting an eye.
It is far from perfect but i'm sharing it anyway. It is free for download, kinda accurate and detailed enuff for beginners who wish to have a point of reference while preparing for their very first demo reel. Please let me know if you find it useful. Cheers
been working on a sci-fi armor girl on and off. Not good with hard surface sculpting, kinda struggling to get clean edges actually, would appreciate if anyone who is familiar could gimme some advise on approaching hard surface sculpting. What to look out for, shortcuts, tips and tricks...coz i really need to finish this asap.
awesome sci-fi armor, did you use only a brush no masks or polygroups? what brush did you use? and i like that comic doode and your anatomy guy
heads are realy good too?
i have one question, did you rendered that comic doode and the male body with subsurfacescater layer or is it a specific matirial? how did you do that effect?
I'm still not that experienced to make some improvement comments. I also like sculpting in zbrush and mostly working with it and maya and ps, would appreciate if you comment on my work, trying to improve too.
I did a BPR Render with Shadow blur set to 8. thats all. used the default MatCapGray for the head and toyplastic for the eyes. didn't adjust the material settings one bit.
regarding your questions on hrad surface sculpting, i didnt use mask or polygroups at the moment while blocking out, but it might come in handy later. i included a mini tutorial for you. Please let me know if you tried it and it works for you so that i may post similar tips for other people.
hey paulchen thanks, that planar brush is kinda awesome, but i need some time to practice,
Your tutorial is good made and easy to follow. Looking forward to more helpful advices OuOd.
Awesome mini-tutorial for the hard surface sculpting there! I can't wait to give that a go, hard surface sculpting is something I've been meaning to get in to for some time
gonna wrap this up tomorrow. Very unsatisfied with this sculpt. too slow, too crippled in terms of workflow, most of the time i'm not sure wtf im doing. If anyone has resources or tutorials on workflow to produce clean hard surface sculpts effectively, please share it with me. thks.
the final version of the sci-fi soldier:
joined a zbrush hard surface sculpting group on facebook as i need to get some focused speed training. the rate im working is too slow.
I really love your work though and you have a nice style, it would however, be really nice to see this work with some colour in it - textures and the like
Anyway I wish you all the best my friend !
This is a starter kit i created free for download for zbrush beginners who wanna focus on sculpting but need polypainted eye textures for presentation or reference purposes. Did it this morning while experimenting with polypainting an eye.
It is far from perfect but i'm sharing it anyway. It is free for download, kinda accurate and detailed enuff for beginners who wish to have a point of reference while preparing for their very first demo reel. Please let me know if you find it useful. Cheers
heads are realy good too?
i have one question, did you rendered that comic doode and the male body with subsurfacescater layer or is it a specific matirial? how did you do that effect?
I'm still not that experienced to make some improvement comments. I also like sculpting in zbrush and mostly working with it and maya and ps, would appreciate if you comment on my work, trying to improve too.
I did a BPR Render with Shadow blur set to 8. thats all. used the default MatCapGray for the head and toyplastic for the eyes. didn't adjust the material settings one bit.
regarding your questions on hrad surface sculpting, i didnt use mask or polygroups at the moment while blocking out, but it might come in handy later. i included a mini tutorial for you. Please let me know if you tried it and it works for you so that i may post similar tips for other people.
Your tutorial is good made and easy to follow. Looking forward to more helpful advices OuOd.
joined a zbrush hard surface sculpting group on facebook as i need to get some focused speed training. the rate im working is too slow.
sci-fi armor:
anatomy study i did few months ago.