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leman russ tank wip


i felt like doing some modelling work once in a while again and noticed im pretty much out of shape.

id be glad to recieve your tips and critique, as i feel my model is hugely lacking. my biggest issue so far is still getting a decent topology on the lowpoly model,
which ill probably port to zbrush and add some details there.



  • WadeWT
    Offline / Send Message
    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    Could you post a picture of the same thing but in wireframe mode so we can see the ref underneath. It's a bit hard to critique without seeing the shapes you're going for.
  • stahl
  • stahl
  • WadeWT
    Offline / Send Message
    WadeWT polycounter lvl 6
    Those sort of shapes are always annoying, I drew up something quickly which has slightly more even topology. Watch out for those super thin triangles. Especially if you're planning on subdividing this for your high poly.

  • stahl
    thanks man , thats already much help.

    the russ seems easy to model, but those shapes mess up the topo quickly...

    whats bugging me is that i feel like im missing some good workflow techniques here which allow for precise mechanical modelling, while being still fast. the rounded parts youve drawn here, i used boolean and a cylinder to merge them, thats the fastest thing i can think of.

    at the same time though, that messed up my topology so im not really sure if im doing right, modelling this vertex by vertex or using base meshes and tweaking them, using mostly extrusion, merging etc.
    thats also required if i want to refine the base/lowpoly mesh in zbrush i think.

    i want to become more adept at fast correct modelling just like many of the pros do here.
  • stahl
    a little update on the nearly done lowpoly, now doing hull weapons and sponsons.

  • mkZ3R0
    Looking good, but do you really want to finish the model in zBrush? The model is all out mechanical and therefore a perfect fit for hard surface modelling within any standard 3D program. No need for sculpting as you can add scratches and material details easily with Photoshop Plug-ins like nDo.

    As for you question about workflows, try digital-tutors learningpaths as they provide great tutorials from industry professionals. I guess you're using Blender, but workflows are almost universal as most 3D programs are capable of the same techniques and features.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    For 40k Models and such, you may want to be very careful with edges, because its really strange. Real life model edges, Real Real life metal edges, and game edges are combined in such a subject and it can be really confusing what to do actually. Made a similar 40k tank recently, and It was really hard for me. In hindsight, id probably try to imitate 40k model edges to keep the distinct look.

    Here is a portfolio of someone doing a similar tank, going the real life 40k look
    which looks like the real miniatures, edges are really sharp for game use however. But I would recommend that
    (I guess its portfolio only what you do?)
    Here is something I did, but edges are inconsistent and more real life like
    http://media.cmcdn.net/21597598/960x480.jpeg (only looks ok cause of offline render however)

    Hope this helps you
  • stahl
    id actually rather avoid zbrush as i never properly worked with it before, as for ndo, im not sure how to add the damage so i get nice normals for the texture.

    that predator is awesome, ive also seend your work on the stormblade, your models are amazing.
  • PyrZern
    Offline / Send Message
    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I really wanna see you finish this :) !!
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