I'm currently modelling a Genestealer from Warhammer 40.000 for a FPS view and I would appreciate any feedback one edgeflow, topology and what not.
I finished the modelling sheet and spent some time on it, but did not made it completely perfect. I also blocked the mesh out before I started modelling the base mesh, as I'm planning to sculpt the Highpoly in Mudbox and retopologize the mesh into a Lowpoly within Mudbox.
I guess, this is going to take while to complete unlike the Stormbolter I just finished.
Very nice btw.
Base mesh is almost done. Just need to do the back plate and adjust the lower pair of hands.
Any critique and feedback is welcome.
I guess, I can share the base mesh when I'm done with it.
I'm currently focusing on the details to get it done, so I can get started polypainting.