Hi, I know you don't like to comment on really unfinished stuff but I have to show someone what I'm doing including this unfinished model so I was asking if you can tell me how on/off track I am with this?
Well first, you're not giving us a lot to comment on... A front view of 3/4 front view is missing.
Second, what do you plan to do with this model ? Is it for printing, high poly render, low-poly game-like asset ?
But what you are showing doesn't look bad, the face might not be perfect but shows a correct understanding of anatomy and the female figure.
Although I wouldn't recommend to sculpt the hair straight on the head mesh, it could make tedious to correct or change the face, add details like skin pores... But again it depends on what you're planning to do.
I mostly second Abrvpt's opinion. Create another mesh for the hair and show much more of the model. You did a great job on it, and it be a shame if you had to resculped it. Context helps a lot of course to understand where you want to go with your work.
Generally I do think you're going in to too much detail already. For example the ear is way to rough and you're already sculpting her eyebrows. That's why the polygons are visible in your sculpt, because the current LOD does not support such fine details yet - that's always a good indicator for yourself to realize you're doing detail to early.
Same goes for the eyelids.
The "valley" between the long back muscle looks a bit to appart and stop to suddenly without smoothing out in to the pelvis. Also the sternomastoid is also a bit too bend and has usually a bikonvex shaped like most muscles)
Hey now you have a really good start, I've seen many many people post of their first attempts and look atrocious but you seem to be a little ahead of the curb. Its all practice so don't give up.
Btw aside from not being a separate mesh the hair looks really good, I know some people who struggle to get that far.
Come on, giving up already ? Don't be that harsh with yourself, allow you to make mistakes. You won't learn anything without failing and being frustrated of not doing as good as you want to.
At least if you are really unsatisfied with the body, keep working on the head.
Hey thanks for the encouragement guys. But it's not a matter of me giving up. It's a matter of how much my family believes I can become a 3dartist. I would personally never give up.
I'm still working on this as well as other things but in a couple of days it may all come to an end. It's not really in my hands. Sucks bad.
Basically either I become a 3dartist or get sent to the military. As you can imagine I'm quite desperate to convince them.
I would suggest going to school for 3D modeling if this is what you really want, but
In my experience no one is "born with the gift" or "naturally talented" its all just practice practice practice
Jesus that is extremely unreasonable, and depending on your age borderline insane.
Thankfully they can't force you into the military, the only person that can make that determination is you, and if you don't want to be in the military, don't join, it's not the kind of commitment that you make because your parents told you too.
Your immediate problem in life doesn't seem to be that you have to prove your abilities in 3d to your parents or be sent to the military, your problem is that your parents are rigid, overbearing, controlling, unreasonable, and if there are no extenuating circumstances here, they are downright delusional. That requires more immediate attention than getting better at 3d - either reasoning with them, or changing your circumstances to get yor life under your own power.
Jesus that is extremely unreasonable, and depending on your age borderline insane.
Thankfully they can't force you into the military, the only person that can make that determination is you, and if you don't want to be in the military, don't join, it's not the kind of commitment that you make because your parents told you too.
Your immediate problem in life doesn't seem to be that you have to prove your abilities in 3d to your parents or be sent to the military, your problem is that your parents are rigid, overbearing, controlling, unreasonable, and if there are no extenuating circumstances here, they are downright delusional. That requires more immediate attention than getting better at 3d - either reasoning with them, or changing your circumstances to get yor life under your own power.
Sorry man, horrible situation.
Sorry for giving you the wrong impression. It's more complicated than that. I'd have to write half my life story for the situation to make sense. I probably didn't word the statement very well.
I'll keep posting for now. I'm gonna try to get these two models as improved and polished as I can. I'm going to listen to the advice I got before and model all the hair seperately at some point. Since the body and head are different subtools I can just duplicate the head and project the hair portion to another subtool later and then scrub the undo history of the head back to the point before I sketched the hair on top.
I know my meshes are really sketchy and messy, and these need a lot of work, for example I don't even agree with the shape of the girl model's boobs atm but I'll post this anyway. And the guy is supposed to be wearing body armor and pants.
I'm not trying to knock anybody's socks off here, but only to demonstrate some degree of competency.
Are you self-taught until now? if yes I see great potential and even if not these are good starting points.
The volumes are good and you are able to create interesting shapes, really try keeping at it, hope it works out for you.
Are you self-taught until now? if yes I see great potential and even if not these are good starting points.
The volumes are good and you are able to create interesting shapes, really try keeping at it, hope it works out for you.
Wow thanks! That's pretty crazy kind of praise. Would you mind if I quoted you on that? lol
I can be all like, "There is a guy on on internet who says I have great potential, look, see?"
And I suppose you could say I'm self taught, but I watch tons of tutorials and that's how I learn a lot of the technical things like how to navigate around Zbrush which I would be pretty much totally lost without.
Again thanks for the compliment you didn't have to say that. And I will quote you on that if you don't mind.
Honestly I think it looks pretty good too, especially if you're self-taught. There's lots of potential here!
The thing that stands out to me is the male's posture, it just seems a little too exaggerated, considering you're going for a realistic style of modelling.
Here's an example of a realistic pose:
If I were to try and push your guy over, he would fall over. If I tried to push THIS guy over, he'd push me back.
Keep going, you're doing well!
Here is the rough sketch of his armor. It's my first armor I've ever tried to make so if anyone has a tutorial or something they want to point me to about making armor in Zbrush I'll take a look!
Um, I don't like how gooey it looks right now and there are some mesh issues, but I'm using this as a guide for when I make his real armor in a more legit hard surface kind of way. Right now it's just all one big gooey mesh.
He's supposed to be an alien warrior and the style I'm going for is sort of a relatively accurate manga style.
I'm also wondering whether his pelvic area is too narrow and short, but I don't want to make it wider for fear of giving him feminine hips. But I do think maybe his butt is too small?
I'm not a character modeller, so I'm not completely sure on the process. But I would personally model the base mesh completely first (si including the arms) before moving onto armour, but if this works well for you that's fine.
It feels like the proportions are a little off; the torso from the pectoral muscles downwards are shorter than they should be, so the crotch ends a little too early. Consequently, the legs (particularly the thighs) are longer than they should be and don't have much definition. Right now, from the side, they look like they're made of rubber without any bones.
Here's a comparison to "ideal" proportions. Of course not all guys look like this, but should give you an idea of the problem areas.
Second, what do you plan to do with this model ? Is it for printing, high poly render, low-poly game-like asset ?
But what you are showing doesn't look bad, the face might not be perfect but shows a correct understanding of anatomy and the female figure.
Although I wouldn't recommend to sculpt the hair straight on the head mesh, it could make tedious to correct or change the face, add details like skin pores... But again it depends on what you're planning to do.
Generally I do think you're going in to too much detail already. For example the ear is way to rough and you're already sculpting her eyebrows. That's why the polygons are visible in your sculpt, because the current LOD does not support such fine details yet - that's always a good indicator for yourself to realize you're doing detail to early.
Same goes for the eyelids.
The "valley" between the long back muscle looks a bit to appart and stop to suddenly without smoothing out in to the pelvis. Also the sternomastoid is also a bit too bend and has usually a bikonvex shaped like most muscles)
Btw aside from not being a separate mesh the hair looks really good, I know some people who struggle to get that far.
At least if you are really unsatisfied with the body, keep working on the head.
I'm still working on this as well as other things but in a couple of days it may all come to an end. It's not really in my hands. Sucks bad.
Basically either I become a 3dartist or get sent to the military. As you can imagine I'm quite desperate to convince them.
Oh god. Best of luck. It sounds like a pretty unreasonable situation.
If worst comes to worst, work a menial job while you expand on your 3D skills... gotta do what you gotta do.
In my experience no one is "born with the gift" or "naturally talented" its all just practice practice practice
Thankfully they can't force you into the military, the only person that can make that determination is you, and if you don't want to be in the military, don't join, it's not the kind of commitment that you make because your parents told you too.
Your immediate problem in life doesn't seem to be that you have to prove your abilities in 3d to your parents or be sent to the military, your problem is that your parents are rigid, overbearing, controlling, unreasonable, and if there are no extenuating circumstances here, they are downright delusional. That requires more immediate attention than getting better at 3d - either reasoning with them, or changing your circumstances to get yor life under your own power.
Sorry man, horrible situation.
Sorry for giving you the wrong impression. It's more complicated than that. I'd have to write half my life story for the situation to make sense. I probably didn't word the statement very well.
I'll keep posting for now. I'm gonna try to get these two models as improved and polished as I can. I'm going to listen to the advice I got before and model all the hair seperately at some point. Since the body and head are different subtools I can just duplicate the head and project the hair portion to another subtool later and then scrub the undo history of the head back to the point before I sketched the hair on top.
I know my meshes are really sketchy and messy, and these need a lot of work, for example I don't even agree with the shape of the girl model's boobs atm but I'll post this anyway. And the guy is supposed to be wearing body armor and pants.
I'm not trying to knock anybody's socks off here, but only to demonstrate some degree of competency.
See ya in a couple days.
The volumes are good and you are able to create interesting shapes, really try keeping at it, hope it works out for you.
Wow thanks! That's pretty crazy kind of praise. Would you mind if I quoted you on that? lol
I can be all like, "There is a guy on on internet who says I have great potential, look, see?"
And I suppose you could say I'm self taught, but I watch tons of tutorials and that's how I learn a lot of the technical things like how to navigate around Zbrush which I would be pretty much totally lost without.
Again thanks for the compliment you didn't have to say that. And I will quote you on that if you don't mind.
The thing that stands out to me is the male's posture, it just seems a little too exaggerated, considering you're going for a realistic style of modelling.
Here's an example of a realistic pose:
If I were to try and push your guy over, he would fall over. If I tried to push THIS guy over, he'd push me back.
Keep going, you're doing well!
Here is the rough sketch of his armor. It's my first armor I've ever tried to make so if anyone has a tutorial or something they want to point me to about making armor in Zbrush I'll take a look!
Um, I don't like how gooey it looks right now and there are some mesh issues, but I'm using this as a guide for when I make his real armor in a more legit hard surface kind of way. Right now it's just all one big gooey mesh.
He's supposed to be an alien warrior and the style I'm going for is sort of a relatively accurate manga style.
I'm also wondering whether his pelvic area is too narrow and short, but I don't want to make it wider for fear of giving him feminine hips. But I do think maybe his butt is too small?
What else is wrong with him?
It feels like the proportions are a little off; the torso from the pectoral muscles downwards are shorter than they should be, so the crotch ends a little too early. Consequently, the legs (particularly the thighs) are longer than they should be and don't have much definition. Right now, from the side, they look like they're made of rubber without any bones.
Here's a comparison to "ideal" proportions. Of course not all guys look like this, but should give you an idea of the problem areas.