Hey guys, ive had this problem but never really looked into how to fix it but now its really bugging me. I have a model that is built to scale using meters. Problem is when i zoom in after a certain point the zoom cuts through the mesh almost like backface culling. How do i fix this ? Or be able to zoom, right now im scaling the object up modeling then scaling down to size
It depends on what version of max you have as to where it is and how you access it but it should give you a slider on the side of your screen that you can adjust the near clip on the viewport camera.
You can also scale up or down your mesh and then re-size it after your done. I suggest using the reset transform/scale on the model (Hierarchy tab > Reset: Scale/transform) so all you have to do is set the objects scale back to 100 when you're done, to get it back to the right size.
You could also adjust the units to be something a bit more sensitive and then set it back. It shouldn't affect the actual size of the model, that will stay constant.