Gi guys, I'm having an issue with my normal map showing a seam where I thought there shouldn't be one.

here is a shot of the low and highpoly version maybe it can help you out understand beter my mistake.

everything is on the same UV island and the Highpoly is perfectly smouth. Yet when I bake it and import it in the engine it shows this subtle seam ( subtle but it's here And I want it gone :P)
I know that with so many normal mapping tutorials from great guys of this forum, there shouldn't be any questions about it, but well.. I just can't find the solution in those tutorial . So I hoped someone here might have an idea what could be causing it.
If further information is needed let me know.
edit: i agree with Alec !
Yes, it set by default on 2 on the RTT. Yet I tried baking with 0 padding and it still have this issue :S
Perfect, that was exactly my problem. I learned a new thing today. Thank you very much, you guys are the reason why this forum is so great really.:thumbup:
Probleme solved guys, thanks again.
But in this case you should set your low poly to 1 smoothing group, and wield the UVs together where that seam/error is and re-bake.