Hi guys. So i wanted to remake Kerrigan from Starcraft. But slighlty more feminine and sexier. This is the first female i make and i already can guess i gonna have a hard time with the face.
Would be glad to have some feedbacks to improve.
This is what i have for now.
Try to focus on nailing the eyes and lips for now and move out from there. I am not sure how much your trying to stylize, but whatever you do, find a female face with the front, 3/4, and side view and follow it extremely closely. Just looking at an image I searched on google you can see some areas that can be improved in the profile view.
From my experience if I don't have all of the 3 main views for reference the model just doesn't look right. Pay special attention to the 3/4 and side view.
Leinad thank you for the feedbacks. Actually no, i have a lot of references of girls faces but i didn't work with pictures of multiple angles from the same girl, and maybe that's my problem yeah. Your picture actually helps me to realize that my girl has weird proportions.
I will try to do what you told me, hope that helps !
Feedbacks are appreciated !
have a longer torso you know? Also her head should be a tiny bit, tinier.
New update:
Thank you.
Yeah good idea
I had the feel that the eyes should be higher, so I changed that, maybe that's less odd.
Damn, you are right. I just made those adjustements, i hope it's better:
Yeah that was the idea (the Angelina thing, not the cleft palate scar ). But maybe i should go with smaller lips. Hmm I have to try it out.