I'm trying to take some high res screenshots of a level in unity using Application.Capturescreenshot, but I'm having trouble with it. I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried creating the script and attaching it to an empty game object, I've tried attaching it to the camera.
Does anyone have experience with this or can anyone suggest an easier way to get some screenshots?
That should give you a Screenshot component you can add to whatever you like, I've attached it to my camera. Then it should have a custom editor with a "Take Screenshot" button and fields for the filename and a scale multiplier (means you can take screenshots that are larger than the current viewport).
My process right now is simply to create a new javascript, paste this script, save it, add component/script to my camera. The script file appears, but nothing else. I'm sorry if I'm making a really dumb mistake, but I appreciate any help in sorting this out
Put the second bit of code into a file called Screenshot.js and apply it as a component to something. You should see it appear with buttons and fields.