I'm having a problem when rendering passes from 3ds Max into After Effects. The problem is that material self illumination (arch and design) doesn't show when I take it across. I'm using rpf file format with the following channels ticked:
-Z Depth
-Object ID
-Sub-Pixel Weight
-Sub-Pixel Mask
I'm very new to After Effects -and compositing in general- so I'm pretty unsure about how to go about fixing this.
Can anyone help - or point in a direction where I can seek further information?
Maybe rpf is only suited for scanline. Don't have experience with it.
I'm glad to be able to report a solution, should anybody else stumble across this thread needing an answer...
In Max's render setup, click the Renderer tab, and locate within the Sampling Quality options 'Frame Buffer Type' and make sure the bits per channel match that of the RPF settings.
So for example; I now have mine set at 'Integer (16 bits per channel)' in the render settings, and 16 bits per channel in the RPF settings.
I can now render with Mental Ray and all the highlights/self illumination/etc works in After Effects.