Hello Everyone!
For some time, do 3D model of the robot on "Independent repair station."
I hope with your help to be able to finish the task.
Talk a little as I can see the concept and the world in which it exists.
The near future. The next war ...
People have always found a reason for conflict. Human resources are too expensive, instead of war are drones.
But even so, the creation of combat drone is worth the time and resources, and sometimes it's easier to return to the system of "wounded soldier" with a small repair.
To do this, created a separate form drone whose main function is to look for damaged fighters and restore them if possible.
The design of the repair drone is very simple.
1. The main part of the "body", arachnid species on four legs, it would be easy to move on any terrain, overcome obstacles and blockages.
2.Semny container with spare chats combat drones (just made hands, feet and other parts. Similarly, if the body combat drone is damaged by more than 50%, the drone does not fix the problem, but rather to dismantle and take away the surviving parts.)
3. From the front of the drone is equipped with several pairs of legs. Lower, which would rake the rubble and get damaged drones. Top to hold in the "correct" position.
Just "legs" that would get parts and install them.
p.s.I want to apologize for my bad english)
While still sketches and I'm still working on the details and texture
previews first concept...
Also try to use IMGUR.com to host images to show them off better. Attachments tend to put people off
Keep up the good work.
I agree with scratches really overdone in places.
I will begin to alter the texture of the main body.
I try to look on the reference and add scratches where housing may be damaged, but the experience a bit ...
Still working on the final scene