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3ds max MassFX Freezing

polycounter lvl 7
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Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7

I am creating a scene at work where a lot of objects are colliding at once. I cant discuss specifics but think house of cards and you're not far off. The problem I am having is that some objects are freezing after they collide, some are randomly exploding into the air (even after they have begun to animate dynamically, they seem to go through a few frames then just burst into the air). My meshes are simple squares so I don't think collision shouldn't be a problem but clearly something has gone wrong.

Can anyone offer any tips as to how I could fix or workaround this? I am sure there are workarounds as MassFX is used in industry but I am struggling to discover them.


  • monster
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    monster polycounter
    I had to do a building demolition once. The best is to break up the scene into multiple passes. Explode the bottom floor and bake the animation, make those objects kinematic so that when you explode the second floor they will collide with the first floor. And so on with the 3rd floor.

    Breaking up the scene is the best way. Doing large objects and foundation areas first is a good place to start.
  • Artist_in_a_box
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    Artist_in_a_box polycounter lvl 7
    That is exactly how I ended up doing it, thanks. I also tweaked the advanced settings in the world parameters section. Setting the high velocity collisions to manual and whacking the minimum value way up fixed my problems. I also made the contact shell and rest depth smaller.
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