Surprised I haven't seen a thread about this game yet. It's gotten some polarizing reviews, with some critics saying it's another great game in the Arkham series, while others have a gripe with how it basically maintains the status quo of Arkham City and isn't a jump at all the way Arkham City was from Asylum.
Spent a few hours with it tonight though, and while the gameplay is basically identical to City, I've having a lot of fun with it. Fun to be playing around in that world again.
Didn't like Joker being the main bad guy again.
It feels like WB Montreal were given Origins to prove themselves before getting their own series, probably
Right now, I think I'm around the End Game I'm giving it a 9 for sure. It's just designed better in my opinion. Arkham City had a lot of challenges which were hidden, you had to find everything yourself while this one reveals them all to you in a relatively slow manner which I find better. It's like a tiny red thread throughout the game even for the side-quest stuff.
Visually, it's stunning in my opinion. The texel-density can be a little bit weird though, standing next to a big building and comparing it to the props next to it and the side-walks, but honestly, those are minor things.
The PC-version is beautiful with all the particles and physx stuff.
Combat is just always a blast... and exploring what it seems a bigger place is nice. Tho its pretty barren if you pay attention, compared to AC. Do we know if this game is bigger size wise?
I do agree with the pacing of this game, its a lot nicer, and not so overwhelming. AC kinda through all kinds of activities and quests all at once. No pacing.. this one has better presentation imo.
Pretty good so far.
And agree about the fighting, it certainly is more demanding, which is a good thing, and fits in with the timeframe of where Bats is in his career actually.
glottis8, I read somewhere (can't remember where) that the city is a lot bigger than in Arkham City. Haven't played enough to really find out if that's true or not.
I find the fighting system pretty good but very very easy for my taste (the hard mode is not hard...), very similar to Assassin's creed with all that of counter attacks, and the great PE system. The more you fight, the stronger you are, and thats good. But, i would like to have different combos, for a real combat experience, like in combat games. I like to "break" the keyboard and the mouse lol.
The character design and all is 1000 times better than in the other games. At least, we have a serious batman, much darker and not so for kids.
for me, this is a 9/10 game, superb work. one of the most enjoyable games of this year.
One bad aspect is that it does not have textures for the upcoming 4k monitors. I noticed several textures highly pixelated, maybe result from the console port, but... who cares now. In a couple of years i would love to play it again in a 4k 31" monitor.
no prblems on my pc... but UDK is pretty friendly to pc configurations. Would like to see how it compares between each console.
I'm playing on pc and it's kinda hard to use the double tap feature for some of the gadgets, - = with those I needed an extra hand. But I remapped and it is better now, although it is best not to map TAB for a gadget
I had to reset everything to get the menu to use tab again. Kudos for the guys who made the characters and props. Really enjoying the level design.
Game looks great though and I like the design of all the mercs hunting Bats.
I think that the guns will feel better when they are level'd up - its a classic case of 'needing' to have lvl'ing in the mp and that impacting the initial experience, so until you basically level things up.
At Splash we collaborated with WB Montreal and I was honestly impressed by the diligence of the Art Director there. I think they brought achieved a good result for a newly formed team tackling a big IP.
I had a lot of fun working on the multiplayer, we as always had a very small team and lots of aggressive deadlines
Props to the uber quality character customisation (easily better than Brinks) and the rich mp maps.
Good to hear i just need to level them up, im just having flashbacks of brink which i also really liked but had issues with the feedback i got when i was dumping bullets into people.
Are all the multi-player characters and weapons made inhouse at Splash damage? cause they look super nice almost looks like brink if it was more realistic :P
hope to see an art dump of the stuff soon, keep up the great work and hope theirs more content coming out for batman multiplayer soon.
for example there is not a single new gadged concerning riddles. very disapointing, all the riddles feel like you´ve seen them in AC before.
and the game spoiles itself:
the character art was definetly cranked up, the skin looked way smoother then in AC and the faces all seemed to have pretty high rez textures.
the environment art is gorgous too, although i miss the riddler environment puzzles, those were always neat to look at.
also copperhead was very disapointing
well still an awesome game, but i´d realy liked to see at least one new gadget or something more risky then just polishing AC up and giving it a new story.
Game is plagued with bugs as well, I sometimes wonder if WB have a QA department.
Haven't been so lucky with the bugs, things like getting stuck in walls, his cape freaking out, doors not opening (but hearing them open,) can't climb into vents.
The worst few are with the combat being unresponsive, trying to do a takedown and Batman stands there punching the air. Combat feels less fluid than the previous games to me.
Yeah there's a workaround that requires some crazy trick. :P
yeah playing on PC right now, i had that problem just exit the match and reload into another one it should work. some matches fill up quicker than others.
I'm really enjoying it so far, I think they've done a really good job, just lacks the rocksteady flare and direction. It's still really good though, definetly doesn't deserve the 6/10s. Wish the enemies had higher res textures and the combat isn't always spot on like before, often enemies travel great distance when attacking and you think there's no way he's gonna reach me but yet he speeds across the screen like a gazelle. Also wish they used the villains more, seems they get about 15-20 minutes each and then forgotten about. It's still fantastic though, the reviewers need a kicking, how this can get ok reviews and other games that recycle every year don't get the same treatment
Arkham asylum is still my favourite, I liked it a bit more scripted and concentrated. Allowed it to be more cinematic and had more memorable moments for me. I like my bats with more meat haha
Amazing job though, I'm really enjoying it, 9/10 for me. Looking forward to trying some MP
Gamespot gives it a 6/10.
Both blaming the lack of innovation.
Yet both websites give Call of Duty (12th-14th in the series) 9's.
It's a great game. So far (Played about 25% ) I think it lives up to the rest of the series, which says alot. And I don't think it feels recycled or otherwise lacking innovation.
Destructoid specifically seemed to have a very clear view of what point they wanted across before playing the game. But they don't have to respect my opinion, as I don't respect theirs =p
Multiplayer is super fun, but the matchmaking is pretty horrible at the moment, took me at least 20 minutes of waiting to get into a game the first time. And the second and third times i tried, even after waiting quite awhile, didn't end up getting into the game and just being stuck on the loading screen. It wouldn't be so bad if you could just start a game and have people drop in and out. Will wait for a patch before I try again I think.
All I need to know really - loved both Arkham Asylum and City (surprisingly, since it's "not my kinda game"). My wallet is keeping close tabs on my steam purchases right now though, so maybe once it's 25% off or something
Jim Sterling using clickbait again to get Destructoid some more views.
The guy is notorious for scoring down games for pretentious bullshit, in Batmans Case he didn't outline any actual reason in regards to broken functionality, nonsensical story or it just being not fun, no the main reason he hated the game was because it wasn't innovative enough and felt like a cash in.
Shit like this is why Metacritic is awful.
If reviewers actually had any kind of pride in their writing they'd get rid of the stupid numerical score all together, which would kill Metacritic.
But nope, gotta have that big shiny number so mouth breathers know which games are "bad."
It's the fact that metacritic scores can negatively impact people lives who worked on the gamne purely because some guy decided it wasn't for him. Obsidian and Fallout New Vegas being a case in point.
The Giantbomb guys seemed ambivalent about it on the podcast. Considering the fact that Giantbomb was founded by Jeff Gerstmann who was fired for giving an honest review of a terrible game, I respect their opinions. So it sounds like a game for superfans that want more Arkham City.
some stufs from arkham MP
That's f'n AWESOME!!!!
Great JOB Mr. Spacemonkey!!!
gotta say the multi-player characters looks 100x better than most of the singleplayer characters which is weird but man you guys did a great job over at splash damage.