For me Ubisoft are the masters of producing buggy PC games:
Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell (I never had issues with the older versions chaos theory for instance)
Just tried to play Blacklist, spent an hour and a half updating and it has frozen 3 times after 30 mins of game play :poly127:
And Skyrim is a Bethesda game, not an Ubisoft game.
edit: realized this was just pc XD
My list is equal to zero.
big rigs
Because Total Annihilation, while I loved it dearly, had an insane amount of the former, and Project Snowblind literally was unfinishable because of the latter.
And STALKER: Clear Sky was buggy as hell in both categories. Thank God Shadow of Chernobyl and Call of Pripyat were so much better.
not exactly bugs, but nearly unplayable. Worst buy of my life so far
-sim city (2013)
Rome II is the only game that has ever managed to BSOD my computer, multiple times...
non-BSOD bugs include tons of pathfinding errors, ships that go on land, random crashes,
bafflingly bad AI decisionmaking, units that refuse to fire, rainy weather causes framerates to turn into a slideshow, directX 9 shadows are completely broken, particle effects that even on the lowest setting slows down the computer, and tons of other good stuff.
[ame=""]Total War: Rome II Angry Review - YouTube[/ame]
second is empire total war. much the same issues as Rome II.
and third is TES oblivion. tons of broken quests, and random crashes.
for a bethesda game, Skyrim was actually impressively stable.
If the first one, yeah Stalker and The Witcher is in my book,but they both got patched gooood and is among my favorite games now. However Oblivion is above them both, because of the pure gameplay fubars.