It's hard to stand out from others with so many robots and dirty alleys in the mix so I decided to do something completely different to show off my talents. Technical skills don't show up so well in pictures so I created a small HTML5 game as a front page for my website.
I recommend Firefox or chrome, just click the link below.
Runs on HTML5
Tell me what you think? Also if I have any mistakes or what not.:)

Still the idea itself is rather nice, although I can't really say what you could do to improve upon this concept.
When I first graduated, I did what most people do and tried to be a sort of generalist - 3d Art, 2d Art, Programming, shader networks, game design, level design. All that shit. It makes people confused on the job you want, and distracts from your real goal: To show off your best artwork as quickly as humanly possible.
People going through these websites don't have a lot of time, and usually spend less than 2 minutes per website before ignoring it or writing a note, then moving on to the next one.
tldr, Good idea, fun game, terrible for a portfolio site, imo.
Your right, when you first start out it is good to focus on one discipline, but as you move up in the art field you need to be familiar with the other disciplines as well.
A diverse portfolio makes you more well rounded and a much better asset for the company as a whole.
You want to grab peoples attention and set you apart from others in the same field? Make an incredible piece of art and put it on your home page.
I think the reason you don't stand out from others is because everything in your portfolio is very average. There is too many different projets, just keep the 4-5 best. I can't save images by right-clicking. There is no contact info on your images.
Sorry if my reply seems harsh but I hope it will help you.