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Hand Painted stuff - Need some feedback and advice please!

Hi I'm currently doing a design/research project at uni which involves creating a small diorama. I'm making a house and a well based on a concept I found and use hand painted textures.
I'm going to create the same scene twice but one will be textures made purely from Photoshop, and then I will recreate the scene again but the models will be sculpted in z brush first. I will then hand paint them in Photoshop again but using the sculpting information as a guide, and use a normal map.

I'm going to compare the two scenes and show if there are benefits of sculpting first,and how the style compares.Also too see if you can still keep the hand painted style with a normal map.

This is the concept by Tyler Edlin

Here is my house



and the well


Here are my textures




So just looking for some feedback on the textures, I'm still fairly new to the hand painted style, but I really enjoy making the textures. I was struggling with the thatched roof texture a bit, and couldn't find any hand painted thatched roof textures to look at.

Also do you think the project is a good idea? Not the most exiting project, but I wasn't sure what to do it on, I just wanted to base it around hand painted textures so I could improve.

If anyone has a idea what a cool project would be involving hand painted textures Id like to hear it.



  • Rokugan
    Offline / Send Message
    Rokugan polycounter lvl 7
    Good job on these textures! For the rock wall texture i'd suggest a little fix


    If you watch there you have 2 straight lines cutting those stones really breaking the harmony of the texture imo.
    You can mostly notice it in the well

    For the hay i'd seen better a more bright and desaturated looks, with maybe a bit of variation in terms of direction of strokes: 4Zx6R.jpg

    Hope this helps ^^
  • Wells
    Offline / Send Message
    Wells polycounter lvl 18
    Biggest thing that jumps out to me is the lack of color and variation. Your textures are VERY monochromatic - it almost looks like it could have been grey-scale that you tinted. I see that you added variation to the rocks, but you did it in a rather extreme way and as a global change to the entire stone, rather than painting in colors.

    Overall not a bad start, though.
  • Fidrik
    Thanks for the feedback. I will have a go at implementing some different colors into my textures. I think I'm going to redo the stone wall and get rid of the large gaps between the stones
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