I am new to 3D modelling and currently learning Unity 3D, and experimenting with a few ideas.
So, I find myself needing to create a simple low poly landscape (hills, overhangs, etc) with interconnecting caves. So that I can export the 3D mesh into Unity 3D. I don't need to export materials or anything else, only the mesh.
My initial research suggests that using a volumetric sculpting tool would be best. So I would start out with a sphere for example, then sculpt the 'hills' up, and make holes to sculpt and shape the 'cave' system.
So, over the last few days I have looked at loads of software such as Sculptris, and even Blender using Meta Balls and Sculpt mode.
However, I seem unable to sculpt holes that interconnect with each other, with any of the packages I've tried. I've done the usual searching and the only suggestions I find are about using booleans with primitive shapes (unnatural and extremely time consuming , or mirroring 2 objects with an indentation on one side and placing them together (simply not practical for my needs).
I am not looking to create realistic landscape that you see in so many FPS games. My landscape has no trees, rivers, etc. I just need to shape and mold a mesh as I need and be able to create interconnected cave systems in an organic manner (not just perfect straight tubes).
So, can anyone suggest some software (I am happy to pay for the right tool), that will allow me to do this? Or have I got it all wrong and volumetric sculpting is not the way to go?
Thanks. 8BV.
That is one option and probably my last resort as it is not the organic clay like sculpting I am looking for. I can't understand why software like Sculptris will not let me just 'dig' through an object so that when I reach the other side it creates a hole instead of just extending out.
I am actually making progress with Blender metaballs at the moment. Not ideal but your suggestions for using a mesh might be the only way to go outside of Unity3d.
Obscura: Yeah, I've been looking at the various terrain/voxel/noise based assets. Terra vol does seem like the best, and I've emailed them a few questions. Reassuring that someone hear has suggested it.
Thanks again!