Hey guys I just want to show something that I have been working on for the day. Please let me know any Ideas or opinions of things I can change or add, I want to try and figure out where this is going. I started with a basic texture pack so I haven't started upping to baking just yet. I just wanted to show what I have and maybe some of you will like it!
Thanks guys!!

Also the wall sections look very blocky, don't be afraid to go back to them and add more interesting shapes and details. The texture also does not tile very well because the vent details are the same on all of them.
Signs can also help make the place feel bigger and like its part of a larger complex. Good luck
Also there's quite a lot of repetition going on. Consider adding a panel or some clutter to the walls just to break it up a bit. Think of things like access tunnels, ventilation, loose wires, cameras, etc.
I do like the colours you've used, however. The pillars sorta stand out to me as "not quite there". Play around with those strips and how they can further compliment the other colours in the scene.
Right now there's a lot of elevation changes/grooves going down the hallway that would make it weird to walk on. Maybe you could put like a grate over the center, so your details could stay there but level out the pathway.
The pillars looking wrong because they cut the metal walls. Maybe another wall texture like http://www.philipk.net/tutorials/materials/metalmatte/metalmatte.html this is better because its more "plate" like and a switch from metal ro concrete is possible. Your construction has the "unrealistic" feeling.