Working on this beast again. I've based it on the Dumonthier pinfire revolver, but with a few modifications to make it more interesting. I could use a critique before I spend too much time unwrapping it. I feel the tri count is rather low for a first-person weapon, and am wondering if the cylinders could benefit from more geometry (they read smooth to me, but a fresh set of eyes would help).
anyhoo, please take a look and give me some feedback.

The barrel should be a constant size throughout its length; yours tapers noticeably towards the muzzle.
MHstudios- not sure where exactly on the grip you mean, could you be more specific? I'll take another look at the blade tip.
Thanks for the input, anyone got more?
The tri count is larger, but I still feel it is a bit light for a first person weapon. Especially for the next generation of consoles. I feel it reads well currently but also realize I may be wrong.
And if first person... Look at it in first person and tell me what you actually are looking at. The rest... crunch it down. There seems to be some inconsistency as well. Meaning some parts you see all the time probably have more faceting than parts you would never see in a first person view.
oh... and was there a highpoly?
But I am confused- I can see there are points where I can optimize the mesh. I understand most of them and what you mean about putting the faces where you will see them, but how is the tri count too damn high? From what I've read on this site, a first person handgun should be somewhere in the range of 4K to 10K (and that is for the last generation of "next gen" consoles) If anything, I would think that 4.5K is still on the light end of the spectrum. Or is this piece just not appropriate for a first person model?
and there is a high poly, I just haven't shown it yet.
RedRogueXII- I understand what you mean about silhouettes.
it appears I have farther to go than I thought. I will definitely be drinking tonight.
a first person hand gun CAN be as high as you want it to be but SHOULD only be as high as it NEEDS to be.
You shouldn't keep polygons in the mesh that aren't actually doing anything for you. If they can get cut, they should get cut. the lower number is always the better one if the appearance remains pretty much the same.
my own personal rule of thumb - if i have a tricount at 4500 - i'll set a goal of 4000. If i can't get to it without losing precious details, i'll get as close as i can. if i can get lower and still retain the shape and density i need i'll just keep on going until i can't any more.
However, if you are looking for concrete answers and all you hear is "it depends" it seems like a cop out. It becomes an impassible situation. The expert has provided a satisfactory answer, and I am still in the dark!
And speaking of [ame="
However, if you are looking for concrete answers and all you hear is "it depends" it seems like a cop out. It becomes an impassible situation. The expert has provided a satisfactory answer, and I am still in the dark!
And speaking of [ame="
Portfolios are on a different catagory than games because we solely look at these assets on a 1920x1080p monitors and we want our stuff to reach off the page and slap the viewer in the face with awesomeness. So make your stuff as high as you want... Just be efficient.
I am looking at your mesh and taking in roughly how dense the mesh is. I am not saying to myself "That is too many tris." What I am saying is... "okay he want's to hit (X) level of detail, what is the count and how is he spending it?
It is a first person weapon so the most important pieces are the ones along the top.
Chamber honestly seems like a pretty good density. It is a large cylinder, not too dense, not faceted either. Looks to be a good density overall for the model. No wasted geo. From this thought I move onto the hammer... and well... it's too damn high! :P You could take the density of the hammer down almost half and not notice a silhouette change. And that to most people means wasted tris... especially sense you are not consistently dense across the entire mesh.
Now the handle in comparison is also too dense. For reasons mentioned above AND... Somebody's first person hand is going to be hiding the whole thing.
Also you kinda sorta really neglected the barrel of the gun... Even a next gen first person hexagon has more than 6 sides. Chamfer some of those edges and fix the transition from the rounded back part of the barrel to the hexagon shape because currently it is not very pretty.
If you are really wanting to take this mesh that high... redistribute that geo into the areas that are important for a first person weapon and then see about putting extra into the secondary pieces and tertiary after the important ones look good. Some of the most important pieces are too low to justify how high everything else is which is why I threw out the blanket statement... "It's too damn high."
Just make sure you are using your geo wisely and not using the "first person next gen" tagline just so you don't have to think about efficiency with your geo. Lowpoly is an art in itself and can be very technical and you want to show you understand that when you put this weapon in your portfolio.
None of this is said with a crazy tone... just how my brain thinks.
Overall your work is good and you gave nothing in this thread but a lowpoly and asked for critiques so... Yeah.. people are going to nitpick your geometry usage.
*Wall of text*
Where is that highpoly?! lol And you should post a first person shot of the thing
Thanks- that clarifies a lot.
I will post more when rotating the model in 3ds Max doesn't make me puke.
I had considered adding chamfers to the barrel, but decided that the extra faces would up the tri count without adding significantly to the effect- especially since they would be on the far side of the model. I was under the impression that these chamfers could be adequately expressed in the normal map.
live and learn.
(EDIT) Now in Perspective!
Looking forward to you crunching this bad boy down.