Hello I'm looking for advice on how to improve on my fat male face, he's loosely based on Budda.
I've gone through a lot of revisions and this is where I'm at now and I think it can be pushed further.
Thanks for any advice.
Oh and I should add I'm a noob at facial anatomy, so I may get confused with certain words but I will try to google it and learn what it is.
Finally, just keep practicing. Make a face. If you don't like it ask yourself why you don't like it, save it, then start again, and rinse wash repeat until you start becoming more pleased with our result.
Edit: I did a little paint over as a bit of a guide/ reference perhaps. (I may have have gone a bit overboard with the wrinkles)
Wow thanks a lot, I'll use all of that advice (putting it in a word doc so I can access it any time) and the paint over is great, thanks a lot.