http://www.polycount.com/forum/<a href="
http://imgur.com/fbmmfft"><img src="<a href=
http://i.imgur.com/fbmmfft.jpg" target=_blank>
http://i.imgur.com/fbmmfft.jpg"</a> title="Hosted by imgur.com"/></a>[/IMG]Hello everyone!
It's been a bit of a while since I have posted anything but thats mostly because I have my nose in the books learning new skills and my nose in the forums learning some amazing things from my fellow polycounters!
For my last assignment of this trimester I have opted to sculpt a rock golem from various techniques I learned from tutorials and my amazing lecturers.
I present the base sculpt of my character thus far about an hour or two worth of work using some references and my imagination.
Please don't be shy to throw your critiques this way I would appreciate as much input as possible.
Seems my images are broken -.-

Thanks everyone for reading and I hope you enjoy the images

I know its annoying to have to click a link I do apologize, please bare with me as I solve my technical difficulties
Don't know whether I have been staring at this too long or not but it has a crumpled paper feel to me ><