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[UDK] Abandoned building interior

polycounter lvl 6
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jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
Time to wrap this up since it's been months and this wasn't really going anywhere. And other projects are stealing my attention.

Here's the latest result.
This for the respons guys!

Alright I started working on this project this week.

I honestly have no idea what the final result is going to look like, in terms of composition and lighting
I basically just started making some abandoned building wall modules and figured I'll decide on composition and room layout later.

I have been focusing mainly on creating the shaders, textures and modules.
I'm pretty happy with the result so far, even though some of them are really placeholder.

What I do know is that I want it to be pretty bright. Alot of sunlight coming in throug the windows (and maybe a broken ceiling). And some vegetation climbing in throught the windows.

I need to make something more interesting than just 4 walls, so feel free to give any ideas you might have.
I've been thinking of adding a pool or something...


  • katana
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    katana polycounter lvl 14
    It looks like you are doing a lunatic asylum, like from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest"
  • seir
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    seir polycounter lvl 15
    That pillars are holding nothing? Cool scene, Keep up a good work! BTW if you're looking for a object that will fill the space try this one:


    It's an old engine from classic European mine. You could get nice light effects on that shape. Also some catwalk sairs and platforms would do the job. Ceiling is ultra important and always left aside.
  • NurmanZh
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    NurmanZh polycounter lvl 10
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for the tips guys much appreciated. Yeah that engine looks really cool and would definitly catch the light very nice. I'm thinking of opening up the ceiling to let more light in, maybe through a skylight or just a broken hole.

    (The pillars will be holding steel beams eventually :) )
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    Quick update.
    I decided to go ahead with the pool actually, because of the interesting shapes, materials and depth it provides.
    I needed something to break up the boxyness (is that a word?) Also added the skylight to open up for more sunlight. And I'm going to add some big arched windows on the left side (leading in to another room) to break up all the horizontal/ vertical lines

    One of the biggest problems right now is over all repetitiveness, both in shape and color.
    Next step will probably be to add some vegetation to deal with the color issue

    oh and the pool/ floor is suuuper placeholder.rv2h.jpg
  • DWalker
    It feels very monochromatic at the moment. Even in an institutional setting the tiles would have some color (typically blue along the edges).

    The window sills are rather low; they'd typically start around 3' (1m) from the floor. You should also take a look at additional references for the windows themselves; they tend to have rectangular rather than square glass panels, and the glass is often quite cloudy.
  • PaperTiger
    I think it would look cool if you made the glas part of the roof even bigger and maybe add some vegetation coming down through the windows. If you are looking for some more inspiration I would recommend looking at some images of the Swimming Pool in Pripyat.

    Looking forward to see the end result, keep the good work up!

  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    DWalker: Thanks for the tips!. My idea is definitly to make it less monochromatic. Hopefully the foliage will help with some of that, But I will also take a look at the tiles.

    Funny that you mention the pool in Pripyat, it's actually what started this whole project :) and thanks for the images!
    I'm working on foliage right now that will come in through the windows. The plan is to have a lot of vegetation. Vines, grass maybe some moss.

    BIG thanks guys for the great responds
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    Latest update.
    Made some foliage to start covering the room with, still alot to be added.
    Next step is probably to fix the awfull plaster texture. And to start working on the floor and the pool.......And tweak the lighting:)

  • LiquidSpacie
    Nice interior & lighting mate. I really like this one. How did you managed to get the rust. Did you use the vertex paiting? Thanks & good luck with the scene!
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    The scene so far is pretty awesome, yet, the post processing you have on it right now is almost as intrusive as some of the filters on instagram or the like ;) I think if you toned down the fog and color overlays, you would get a much crisper scene. Also, I would get a more interesting camera angle or a focal point. Right now your focal point is the ceiling, and your colors are completely washed out (aside from those coming from the ceiling panel) by the filter/post processing.

    Other than that, enjoy it so far :)
  • kodde
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    kodde polycounter lvl 19
    Looks promising.

    Work on the plaster texture as you mentioned. Too high frequent details on on the flaking going on. Also think about where you add the flaking. I think bigger and fewer areas of flaking would look better.

    It seems way to clean to me even though it has run-down properties. Needs tiles on the floor, pieces of plaster and other debris lying around.

    The post process(?) filtering is making the darks look too washed out imo.

    Maybe have some broken piping? Discoloring on the tiles in the pool? Maybe add things to the scene to convince us some homeless guy lives there? Sleeping bag? Newspapers? Bottles? Fireplace or a barrel?

    Definitely keep going :)
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    After a few months of absence I decided to wrap it up, Time to move on to other projects. Thx for all the responds and tips!
  • Karmageddon
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    Karmageddon polycounter lvl 7
    This is really beautiful, I really dig it.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Really reminds me of the kinda buildings in pripyat.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    Looks cool, the ivy coming from the roof looks too bright/vibrant to me though, it's probably the light hitting it but still, it shouldn't have that effect :)
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Looks like something you would find in The Last of Us :)
  • I Like Feet
    I'm disliked the chromatic aberration, but otherwise looks really nice.
  • ScrotieFlapWack
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    ScrotieFlapWack polycounter lvl 5
    Is there any chance of possibly seeing the modular components for the walls and how you made them? I am trying to get my head around modular pieces when modelling. I tend to struggle with how to breakdown things if that makes sense, like I don't know how 'modular' to go haha.
  • Temporal Drift
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    Temporal Drift polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good!

    I agree with johnny, the vines coming down from the roof really stand out. Almost looks as if the vines have a differnt light source. The lighting should follow the god rays...

    It's a solid project and I'm sure you are tweaking values, looking forward to seeing the this piece evolve.
  • John51
    It was great! Very good ;) Just think the floor of spot is very empty...Keep the good work :)
  • jonas-144
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    jonas-144 polycounter lvl 6
    Thx everyone for the responds!
    - Fixed the over exposed ivy

    Thx for noticing!, turns out I'd messed up the lightmaps for the ivy.

    ScrotieFlapWack Basically every window is it's own piece, it's kinda simple. I'll try to post something soon to explain more :)

    passerby, Chase Thx those were my main sources of inspiration!

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