Hello everybody! I love zbrush and want to use it way more then I currently am, but I have been very busy recently and have hardly been able to touch the program. So, I've made it a goal to make at least one anatomy practice every Thursday, and more then that if I can. The point of this is to master the tool and to learn more about anatomy. So, bring your harshest crits, ladies and gentlemen, because the whole point is to learn.
So, without further ado, here is my first head. I'll probably be doing human heads for a while.

Along with the anatomy crits, would like some help understanding zbrush a bit more. I started with a dynamesh and went up for a while, and at a certain point smoothed for finer details. For some reason, I started encountering weird knots in various places on my model that wouldn't smooth, some of which were very annoying to deal with. Anyone know why that might be or how to fix it?
Image of what I'm talking about
Here is an example of a pole topology:
Here is a nice site to get you started with some refs
By doing a head a day or even a week, you will improve :thumbup:
Here's the sculpt:
Here's the reference:
Thanks for all the critiques so far, they have been really helpful. Keep it coming!