Hi people, I just finished updating my new version of my personal website, I tried to keep things very simple and in your face.
I'd appreciate any feedback at all.
Also want to that all the people from my previous post who helped point out was wasn't working so well :thumbup: Cheers guys!!!
what browser are u using?
I'm not so sure about the UDK section though... Right now you just have a massive quote and a single image... I would cut that section until you have more to show.
Your name, and don't take this personally, is a bitch to spell/remember. So the domain name isn't the best. Something shorter like mikisa.com or mikidis.com, both contractions of your real name, could work better IMO.
I'm not a fan of lightboxes either. This one in particular, because it's white. Your site is dark, your images are darkish, so that swap between images is like looking in to a flashlight at night.
Overall, I think you have too many images. For something as simple as an ionic pillar, you don't need 12 pillars spread across two images. You need (at most) one realtime shot, one wireframe, perhaps one detail for the modeling, and the texture. Something along these lines:
You should simply take the shot from ~30 degrees so there's some depth visible, and stay away from orthogonals (and also from those orthogonal pseudo-perspective shots like in the victory arch).
You have 30 images, I think you only need 10 to 15.
1 - combined image of the arch from two angles (like this, so you show 4 sides with 2 screenshots), then maybe one detail and the lowpoly (with wireframe).
2 - ingame shot of the dilapidated house, the tree, the cannon.
3 - all the elements of the house, just one wireframe and a texture map per item is enough.
4 - the WIP house. Make sure you have a bold and clear "work in progress" stamp over it, so people don't mistake it for finished. A 16px font isn't enough.
5 - a shot of the planks, if you must. Screw the Verold viewer. It's planks.
6 - combined image of the walls. Just a single tile of 1, a single tile of 2, and then the textures as two boxes above eachother. One box with D/S/N/Parallax for 1, one box for 2.
7 - one combined image with screenshots of the shaders (not the nodes, just the ingame effects) and some text like "these are all custom made real-time materials for UDK. Check <<link>> for more details."
Make a separate category for all technical artist stuff. Shaders go here. Any kind of interactive level scripting goes here. Got a nifty modeling technique tutorial? Made a rig setup? Own tools? Here.
Of course. This is assuming you want to keep everything you have, which might not be the best idea. For example, those wooden boards you have are very unoptimized. over 1000 triangles for a set of planks?
Don't use pullquotes of things you said. Just... put the words there.
I don't understand the site hierarchy. Portfolio, sure. CV, okay. UDK? But you had shader nodes in the portfolio?
What is your colorscheme? Blue, other kind of blue, orange, red, white, pink? Be more consistent. Oh, that also applies to your image presentations. Make the backgrounds the same color and make all texture compilations the same. I don't care whether it's horizontal, vertical or diagonal slices, but only have ONE.
Some info at the footer would be handy, as not to have to scroll up again.
Best Feedback I've ever received!
Thanks for taking the time and effort to point out all those things.
I'll do my best to fix those.
However some things like the ligthbox I'm afraid cannot be changed. Cause its the only display my web provider currently has.
As for the UDK section I kept it so that people can see my work in context.
YdoUwant2know Unfortunately I cant cut that section cause its linked with the other ones. I tried to hide it but it hides the entire tab. I wanted it removed too.
Thanks everyone!!!