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Adding to already made model, share some knowledge please

polycounter lvl 6
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pointcache polycounter lvl 6
Hi guys!
Here is concrete example of the topic, i made this model


so uvw's are done and textures are done, and suddenly i need to
add a wing to it. I have some options, but i don't want to add
a wing as another object in engine, since we are very tight on performance,
and the only reasonable way is to use 2 shaders on same model, and
unwrap the wing as if there were no rocket under it, right on top.

I would love to see any piece of advice or shared experience on this matter.

It's just that wing is too big of an object to put it all there reasonably.


  • ExcessiveZero
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    ExcessiveZero polycounter lvl 12
    you will have to redo your uvs but you can make it as a element which is another object but attached to the mesh (using the attach buton in max) but then you will need to uvw map it as well reorganizing your spaces unless your texture sheet is modular of course, but it doesn't look it.

    if you have limitations id definitely look at making texture sheets for it rather than individual uvs

    Hope I helped a bit, good luck mate.
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    You could always just duplicate your object, make any changes on the copy, and then just bake a diffuse texture using your original as a source. You're probably gonna have to do some cleanup afterwards, but its better than starting your texture from scratch imo. If you dont think you're gonna have enough space, you could always make the second texture a 2X1 or whatever.
  • Paulius
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    Paulius polycounter lvl 5
    its realy simple if you have zbrush: add wings or other stuff to youre model -> go to zbrush -> subdivide without smoothing enough to feel comfortable with painting qualitie -> project texture as polypaint - add polypaint -> back to 3d soft you are using -> fix/edit uv's -> back to zbrush -> project polypaint to new edited model with requred uvs for youre needs and you have it. its realy fast way to edit what you want. if you will use bridge with photoshop it'll be even faster.
  • pointcache
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    pointcache polycounter lvl 6
    huh the last one about zbrush technique is very useful, thanks fro reply guys!
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