Hi, does anyone know if there is a software(for windows) that can mirror my cursor stoke with a user defined line as the "pivot". Or if there is a drawing software with this specific function built in?
in other words, mirror/symmetry drawing with a tilted axis, not just vertical or horizontal.
This picture demonstrates what i mean.
You can get it here: http://krita.org/
It has auto symmetry and user defined symmetry, in addition to a wrap around mode great for tiled texture work. Its brush system beats Photoshops in my opinion, though its still rough around the edges... still its been getting quite a bit of love these days. The developers are also being supported by IBM and even some vfx studios which used it for matte painting.
Did I mention its free? One of those nifty open source projects.
Brush packs can be found on the forum, and David Revoy has some good resources as well.
If you like it and it fits your needs perfectly, be sure to donate so it can continue to grow.
Wow never heard about this app. I have been looking for something like this for awhile. Thanks so much for posting it!
To a point where it´s just not acceptable
But yeah, MS5 has symmetry, and it works as you want. You can even add divisions to it so it's like radial symmetry in zbrush, and you can freely move and rotate the symmetry line.
krita is very promising, but doesn't yet run well on Windows.
edit: mind you, I'm rooting for Krita. From what I've seen and read, the developers are doing all the right things. And they've got love for our industry!
Imtilted, MightyPea...just to verify you two are using the most current version correct? The difference in performance on windows for the current and old version is night and day. Lots of optimization has taken place in a short period of time since it was ported over to windows.
But the UI feels overall slow. for example The "opacity" slider on top. its quite stuttering, but does not cause a long freeze
Bek: I'm sorry, but that's not yet possible. I haven't figured out how to add a location selector to the wix scripts we use. Worse, I haven't been able to figure out how to install the x64 version to the right "Program Files" directory... I'm learning a lot about Windows these days, but I've been on Linux pretty much solid for the past ten years.
Right on. Yeah the improvements have been vast in such a short period of time.
^Boud is probably at the top of the food chain as far as Krita development goes btw. Its good to see him in the Polycount forum as well.
Krita is mainly created to work under Linux.
i´ve been playing around with it for some hours now
i didnt download the alpha with the wraparoundmode, but that looked really amazing and iam really waiting for the release
its really fun working with it so far. the menu on rightclick is nice while painting
Yep, i tried activating OpenGL but it did not help.
Here is a video of my problem http://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cI6qcDV7gz
As you can see, the number of buttons causing the freeze is progressively getting less and less as i go trough it.
Opening a new document(fresh start of Krita) is also quite slow/bad behavior. "Bad" as in, "freezing"/ shows "not responding" during the whole process of loading all files (takes ≈2min using power-saver mode on laptop). New document with krita already running: ≈5sec
note: I installed Krita inside Sandboxie (www.sandboxie.com) but as far as i can tell, this do not decreased the performance on any of my other software running inside it, so i doubt this is causing the UI lag
Running 32-bit Vista
Like it more than painter (have V9 only to be honest) & photoshop CS6 for drawing.
It's my favourite sketch & paint program now. Pure fun. Lovely UI.
Bought it for ipad first, for mobile sketching, where procreate is still my favourite.
But Paint Symmetry is Artrage 4 PC/ Mac only.
Brushes are not as flexibel as in photoshop (as a lot of other things for sure), but it's lovely sketching tool.
Has a pretty nice line smoothing too.
Bought Lazy Nezumi after reading about it at Polycount.
Pretty cool tool but Artrages smoothing is built in and it's smoothing the line after stroke. Like flash does. Gives a better drawing feeling.
Give it a try, you'll love it.
Played with krita for some minutes.
Nice one, thanks! Will give it some more time.
Not laggy here for most brushes except blurring.
Win7 64 bit/ 3930k 4,0GHZ / TitanGTX / 64 Gig Ram
This is a generated layer with a pattern, and I'm painting in the mask with an 'experiment' brush (basically just a lasso fill, using none of the other options).
I'm never crossing over the same part twice within the same stroke, so the artifacts are strange.
Seriously though, Adobe does not give one solitary fuck about what we want as illustrators/painters. They did add some 3d bristle brushes recently, but that feels more like someone's pet project than a real move away from photo-editing.
In Manga Studio I had it set up so my lasso fill tool would lasso-delete while holding down alt, which was a fantastic workflow for thumbnailing!
Its a rebranding of a japanese product, which is finally being localized by the original developers instead of smithmicro. From what I read, what you see now from smith micro will be the last of the manga studio as everything else is moving over to the japanese brand.
Here's where future versions will come from in english. http://www.clipstudio.net/en/
I hope they'll advertise the release aggressively.
Hm... I have heard of something like this before, and that was also with a sandboxie user. I don't know whether that's really the issue, but I can imagine it wreaking havoc with our use of temporary files for swap, especially in the 32 bits version Krita.
Well, I'm doing my best... For many Windows users, Krita works just fine (especially the x64 version), and we've got a hugely reworked wintab support coming up, too. But packaging on Windows is a huge task all by itself, and it's eating into my bug fixing time in a major way!