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3ds Max viewport issue

polycounter lvl 6
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Kar-re polycounter lvl 6
Hey all polycounters!
I have a really weird problem in my viewport in 3ds Max.
When I zoom or pan it zooms really in too big increments and when I pan it pans too big or too fast.
I've tried googling and it said there that you should use z to reset the viewport or something and i tried it, but to no avail. Here is a video describing the problem.

This is really messing up my workflow in max. It stutters up and I expect these things to work properly.

Excuse my english, I'm from Sweden!
Thanks in advance!


  • Eric Chadwick
    How large is your model in units? Select the model, go to Utility panel, click on Measure.

    Max does not zoom/pan well at small scales, like when the viewport is 10 units across.
  • Kar-re
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    Kar-re polycounter lvl 6
    How large is your model in units? Select the model, go to Utility panel, click on Measure.

    Max does not zoom/pan well at small scales, like when the viewport is 10 units across.

    I don't know in units, but it's about 955 cm which the grid is 25.4 cm, so i don't think it is too small. The grid spans through the model, so i would say it is about 2 grid sizes long.

    EDIT:Changed the units to generic units and it's about 376 units long, with a grid size of 10. So i think it should be fine?
  • Kar-re
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    Kar-re polycounter lvl 6
    Anyone who have had the same problem?
  • ZombieWells
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    ZombieWells polycounter lvl 12
    scale your object up, (its most likely super super super tiny. So scale to the max a few times), reset xforms, (just because) and check your incremental zoom setting... make sure they aren't set to plaid, (spaceballs joke).
  • Noors
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    Noors greentooth
    I already had that kind of thing, not sure how i fixed it. What if you simply frame selected ? It's Z key. I think Max auto adapt the speed movement considering the object size, and sometimes it needs to be reseted by reframing an object. It could be because of the object size when you have something of few millimiters, but it looks decent.
    You could try to merge into a new scene.

    edit : ok, most probably because of a highly scaled object. When max try to adapt the speed, it gets confused with the object size.
    So reset xform.
  • Kar-re
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    Kar-re polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks for all the help guys.
    I tried reseting the xform, but that didn't work.
    Then i selected everything and pressed z. And then i saw this wierd line, so i clicked it and it was a cube that was gigantic. I deleted it and now everything works!
    Stupid mistake of me, but yeah.
    Thanks for all the help, as said. I really appreciate it!!!
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