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Borderlands-style character WUB WUB WUB WUB

polycounter lvl 4
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MethodJ polycounter lvl 4
Hey Polycount! This is a character I developed for a texturing class that I taught - everyone was pretty excited about Borderlands, so I made this guy to demonstrate how to recreate that style. It was a ton of fun to paint textures like this! Usually when I do an example for class I don't finish it, but I kept at it with this guy.

Modeled him in maya, added a few bits of sculpture detail in mudbox, mostly to echo the diffuse. I painted the textures in 2d just using photoshop. I also used PS's 3d capabilities to fix some texture seams. I give a better breakdown of the process on my site here.

Surprisingly, I found that I didn't need to do a lot in the way of sculpting/normals, the textures communicate almost everything. Big time saver.






My takeaway was that doing an entire game in the style of BL would be pretty fun.


  • Popol
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    Popol interpolator
    Waw, that's very interesting. Thanks for explaining your process. I especially like how you handled the fur on his jacket.

    My only critique would be the presentation. The background of the beauty shots is so saturated that it distract the eye from the character.
  • MethodJ
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    MethodJ polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks Popol! You are totally right about the over-saturated background, thanks for the feedback. I was trying to emulate the media art Gearbox released and I probably overdid it.
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