I can never seem to do this, all results end up being sort of mono chromatic. Not sure if its my blending mode or what
I mean this in the context of hand painted textures though. Like if I were to pain an entire NPC black and white, whats the best way to color it afterwards?
you can take a look at this excellent tutorial when he talks about hues for instance.
And that's for a lot of reasons, subsurface, ambient reflection, whatever, i mean, you can't simply add a flat color on a black and white picture and make it look great.
What made me ask this was this video: http://youtu.be/c_GWVez_UHM
During the lecture he mentions he worked with someone at blizzard who textured NPC's and he used black and white first
This is what I usually do but part of me thinks itd be a bit faster doing black and white first
I prefer to use gradient maps to convert grayscale to color, and work on top of that with non-blending mode layers.
yeah, we do that at work with stuff that needs to be tinted. I use the HSB/HSL filter to derive a saturation mask to control the saturation levels in the gradient map. It takes your image and turns the R, G & B channels into Hue Saturation & brightness. I'll try and work up an example over the weekend.
Frell, could you post some examples of your work so we can maybe identify the specific issues?
I haven't tried this in a very long time, and all my examples were just bland. I don't even know what blending modes to use to make it feel alive (from grayscale)
what made me ask was that video I posted where the guy said he worked at blizzard with someone who did alot of the NPC's for the vanilla game, and he did it in bw first. I remembered that was an option I just didn't think it was viable
Trying to use overlay or just color just creates this dull mess and I don't know where to go from there. If I collapse it and paint directly over it with color im basically re-painting it
I just feel like if I knew how to do it maybe id be quicker than me painting with color from the start, its worth a shot
I'm not working on anything related to this right now, I was just curious what the most common method of this is
I think ill just stick to what I'm already doing. I was just curious as to why a professional blizzard artist on WoW would take the grayscale route. I figured I might want to give it a shot in the future so I was going to see what ways you guys would do it :P
If I ever use this method, it's early on to help nail down my values and general color ideas...but I inevitably will end up painting over it so I can achieve nicer color results.