Well I decided I wanted to make a Fire Emblem character for fun. I'm just going to post my progress here so if anyone has any feedback for me along the way I'd be happy to hear it. It's always good to learn.
Haz knocked together a really cool design doc using an anime style character that may aid through this project. You can find it here
As for your WIP, as stands now i would possibly drop the amount of hair tendrils/strips as it not reading so well from the back. While we are talking about the head area I think the piece could benefit from some slightly larger eyes. Other than that its a good start, just keep chipping away at it.
I'm glad you guys seem to like the model so far. Di$array, thank you very much for the tips, I had a read through the doc. I'm not sure about the eyes but I definitely agree about the hair. It's very busy. I went ahead and worked at simplifying the back portion and I cleaned up the strands. I still feel that it need more work though. Anyway, here's another update:
On a side note, does anyone know any good matcaps for displaying their models?
Glad you guys like it. DeeKei, I didn't think about that. Might be a bit hard to change now but I'll definitely keep that in mind when having buckles in future models. Besides that I think I'm just about done with the high poly. I might make a cape as in the original concept of the character but I also might not. Still have to figure out materials too because this is definitely hard to see.
Looking good ! But there's a main issue with the shoes, they look completely symmetrical at the moment. You might have done that to work them easily with symmetry on, but I guess you have enough detail now to make them follow the natural curvature of the feet.
Thanks guys. Abrvpt, I wasn't sure what you were referring to in terms of the feet being symmetrical but I understood that they looked symmetrical on them selves (as apposed to the left being mirrored on the x-axis to the right side). I tweaked a bit of the curvature but I'm still thinking they look a bit symmetrical because the flap in the front of the shoe covers most of it up.
Aside from that I decided to try making a cape and refined the color a bit. I'm still not sure if I'll keep the cape. I like it but I'm not sure how I'd convert it to low-poly since the front and back are different colors and having thickness might not deform as nicely as a single plane.
I like the way she looks. Silhouette might appears plain from the back view, but that can't be helped with a cloak. Though you can pose her and pose her cloak too, so it should be great nonetheless!
Quick questions; how the breakdown of lowpoly for her ?
Glad you like it, I do agree with the back looking plain due to the cape and do plan to pose the model after I clean it up. As for the low-poly breakdown (I assume you mean parts), it is broken down into upper Body, Lower Body, Shoulder pads, Hair, Cape and Belts.
Looks pretty good ! BUT
There's really a problem with the shoes. They are perfectly symmetrical, you should swap them... That couldn't happen in real life. I thing giving the asymmetry just on the low poly would do the trick.
Otherwise, nice job !
So adorable.
As for your WIP, as stands now i would possibly drop the amount of hair tendrils/strips as it not reading so well from the back. While we are talking about the head area I think the piece could benefit from some slightly larger eyes. Other than that its a good start, just keep chipping away at it.
On a side note, does anyone know any good matcaps for displaying their models?
I really like the hairs.
Aside from that I decided to try making a cape and refined the color a bit. I'm still not sure if I'll keep the cape. I like it but I'm not sure how I'd convert it to low-poly since the front and back are different colors and having thickness might not deform as nicely as a single plane.
Quick questions; how the breakdown of lowpoly for her ?
There's really a problem with the shoes. They are perfectly symmetrical, you should swap them... That couldn't happen in real life. I thing giving the asymmetry just on the low poly would do the trick.
Otherwise, nice job !