I was wonder how to animate my ward that i've been makinh. I already animated the idle, but I'm not sure how to export it or what to do after I animated the idle.
I'm a noob animator and this is actually the first time I've done animation.
I'm using blender 2.68a(x64).
Also, can someone reply on what people should know about animating?
How long each animation cycle should be.
What to include for an object.
Then, follow the images to the ingame importer.
I think I understand how to do different animations for one object from the video below. [ame="
Things I've been working on is the death animation (30 frames) and the idle animation (60 frames). The thing is, I don't know how many frames each animation should be. For example, right now my death animation is 30 frames and my idle is 60 frames. In blender, if I cut the playback to 30 frames for the death animation, my idle animation will also be 30 frames. I'm uneasy on the exporting details whether or not I'll have all of my animation.
Also, the jug ward has a death, idle, and spawn animation.
Again Thank You for your help.
P.S. If there is an easy way to export an animation to a gif for reference then can somebody tell me? I use greenshot for quick images so I don't have to go and crop the image. I was hoping that there is something like that but for gifs.