Hello everyone.
I started working on a new scene, my reference is this concept art that I spotted in one of the previous monthly noob challenge concept thread:

From Wang Rui -
I am only just starting... First quick blockout

I am starting with the texture of the ground.
I first made some of 12 tiles that I then assembled in Maya, and baked.
Quickly painted it, and finally played with the material editor to be able to vertex-paint where I want the puddles and the moss.

I am not yet really satisfied with the render of the moss, but I think it is a good start overall.
Comments are welcome !
Also if anyone knows how I should proceed with the two small roofs on the sides of the court. I feel like I should model the sides, to keep the nice silhouette, but it might be a bit to much expensive, polycount-wise ?
cf: red on this picture>

Someone recently suggested me a little trick for such things...So, here's basically what i mean:
So, for the cylinder itself, you can have really, reallyy low res mesh(cylinder), and for those ends, you can just have a plane and use plane with alpha on it, in a form of circle of what th end looks like (as you see on my pic). That seems to work quite nice in my case at least, so i think it's worthy giving it a try....
This way, even if the cylinder itself is high poly, the end will looks smooth like baby's skin....
Anyway, small update: Made the tree and the small red papers hanging from it.
I made some loop wind animations for them (3 different animations, that start at different moments on their timeline). I did some tests with cloth for them, but it does not seem to fit for this situation. Apparently what is making the cloth moving like waves is their own weight and a more dense topology. Here, with just 2 planes, they get pulled by the wind and stay nearly static. (In other word, there is no noise/turbulence in the wind force, and no parameters to create some. Which is sad. Anyway, animations are maybe lighter to compute. Also because there is different instances of only 3 animations)
Also made the small steps around the courtyard. I had a lot of troubles with them, because of the broken baked specular in UDK. Even without any uv flipped (Only rotated) I had troubles at the joint between the different parts I made (There is essentially 3 different groups of steps + another group for the angle). I ended finding a solution by making a very long texture and everything aligned. I think the problem might come from the rotation of the uvs as well as flipped uvs.
Finally, I tweaked the ground material, and replaced the fake cubemap of the water by a real reflection.
-For now there is no specular and gloss map for the house (I made all in a single big texture).
-Chinese texts are missing, I am looking for some chinese speaking people to help me with that, I don't want to write random chinese characters just for the sake of it.
-I was unsure about the wood pattern that includes some swastika symbols, that some people might not be aware of its meaning in some asian culture (If you are not, feel free to read the wikipedia page). I decided to keep it, a bit modified.
-I originally planned to fake the inside with a texture with some negative bump offset/parallaxe. But it turns out that it is not working at all when the uvs of the window are rotated by 90%. And UDK just don't want to use any other uv set than the first one for this. Too bad, I don't want to change the uvs and start cutting/pasting everything in my psd, especially because I am not really convinced by the first tests I made, and it is working alright with a flat diffuse.
My new problem is also the small open window on the top floor, that is using the same planar reflection as the rest of the windows. The reflections are wrong because the window is not align anymore with the reflection plane...
I made a quick tests with a cubemap and it is not at all satisfying.