Hello, I am currently hitting my head on the table.
I made the model in 3ds max 2014.
Import, and I see this in 3ds max 2013

I export to obj, using 3ds max 2013. And I open in Marmoset Toolbag

In unity, no problem. looks fine.

I made the model in 3ds max 2014. but when I export to obj.(2013 or 2014) and use marmoset toolbag it opens all strange. I also tried restarting marmoset, but nothing works. If someone would want to take a look in the .max file, I can give you.
I tried opening other obj files in marmoset, everything fine. just this particular model. what are things I can check?
Also did you reset the Xform in Max?
whaaatt. I asked soo many people. even my 3d teacher. no one knew. there we go, fixed it. Marmoset needs UV's. Normally I use marmoset after texturing. This time I cleaned my model with the reset UVW's button.
Thank you so much Bek, I can continue with my monkey now! Also thanks to the other people taking their time to help me.
This still doesn't mean that you will not encounter this problem. Today I exported model from Zbrush (with UVs), imported it to Houdini and exported again and it was messed up. Then I took it back to Modo and just exported it again (I didn't changed anything) and it worked.