Hi, so my game features rooms that instantiate after the player opens a door. I got the player to open the door and have the following room instantiate just fine. The problem is that the script that spawns more rooms no longer works within the instantiated new room, so when I open a door, nothing happens.
I suspect that because I'm telling it to look for a value in a script within a gameObject as a trigger, it's reading that as true since the previous door was opened. And it finds the status of the script of the previous use of that script in the first prefab and not in its own local one. I also suspect this is due to naming conventions I used, since the only change in the names of the instantiated room is "*Name of Prefab* (Clone)". I don't know how to detect this via a function instead of just hardcoding it like I have here.
- using UnityEngine;
- using System.Collections;
- public class RoomSpawnL : MonoBehaviour
- {
- public Transform Room_Prefab;
- GameObject DoorOpen; //Create a GameObject variable for my door
- OpenableDoor door; //Door is an OpenableDoor variable type based on the existing OpenableDoor script?
- public int RoomNum = 10;
- // Use this for initialization
- void Start ()
- {
- Debug.Log("START --> " + this);
- DoorOpen = GameObject.Find ("Door_L"); //Unity looks for a GameObject called "Door_R" in my hierarchy and makes the Door_L variable equal that.
- }
- // Update is called once per frame
- void Update ()
- {
- door = DoorOpen.GetComponent<OpenableDoor> (); //Door Variable = *Name of the GameObject in the hierarchy or the GameObject/Variable with that data*.GetComponent<*Script on said object I want to access*>()
- if (door.open == true) {
- if(!door.spawnOnce) {
- door.spawnOnce = true;
- Instantiate (Room_Prefab, transform.position, transform.localRotation);
- Debug.Log ("New room!");
- }
- } else if (door.opening == false) {
- Debug.Log ("No new room... :( ");
- }
- }
- }
I'm not very sure what exactly I should be doing here to fix this problem. Do I make an array of naming conventions? Is there method or function I can use to manage this?
float speed = 20 // set speed to 20;
well that is kinda obvious isnt it? the best code is code who doesnt even need comments...
to your problem:
GameObject.Find("Door_L") <- returns the first gameobject it finds with the name, in your case it seems to find the one where you flagged spawnOnce to true, and nothing happens after that.
Instead of searching the GameObject you could use soemthing like this
On a higher level - what is the motivation to spawn the rooms when opening the doors?
Made that change and there's no difference.
The player is supposed to be asked a question and open one of 3 doors representing their answer. Each time they open a door, a room spawns on the other side of it. I can make a single room appear after opening a door. However, opening a door in this new room does not create another new room, even though they are running off the same prefab.
"float speed = 20 // set speed to 20;"
You wouldn't be able to figure out what it's doing without the comment?
...Try looking at my code. Did you see that there? No? You have your answer.
GameObject DoorOpen; //Create a GameObject variable for my door
I double checked and that line IS in your code. I'm simply reinforcing the point that Kio was trying to make -- obvious comments actually make code harder to read, not easier.
Anyway, I restarted Unity to see if that would change anything and it did. Now the instantiated rooms do spawn more rooms!
The only problem remaining is that besides the first room instantiated, all new rooms have the wrong rotation orientation, it seemingly seems set to 0,0,0. The way I set the position and rotation for each room is by putting an invisible object near a door and making the instantiation go by its transform and rotation. While the transform is correct on all instantiations, the rotation isn't. Why is that?
The short answer is that you probably just need to use transform.rotation instead of transform.localRotation.
The reason it matters is probably because your RoomSpawnL objects parent is another room and that rooms rotation is not 0,0,0.