Hello everyone. This may be my first time posting here. Though I have have visited the site often and would like to thank you all for the inspiration.
I am currently a character artist at Harebrained Schemes and made a good amount of the characters for Shadowrun Returns (which I will post eventually). Recently I have been making miniatures for the digitally enhanced board game Golem Arcana. The project is currently being Kickstarted and there is only a few days left. So if your interested please check out the project. Hope you enjoy!
Also a huge thanks to the character lead and designer Chris Rogers, who pushed me to this level of quality.
Sorry guys, I seem to fail at forum posting. I could only figure out how to add 4 images by attaching and only the links show up. I tried attaching by URL but it just leaves a blank. Any tips would be appreciated, I'm a Polycount noob.
Woot I got it lol.