Hi guys, does anyone know why my reflection get super bright even though d real object didn't? One thing that should be noted is that there is a DominantDirectionalLight pointing towards it. Is there anything that I can do to fix this?

As I didn't do anything fancy with the shader, its just added a post process chain DOF/Bloom onto the TextureRenderTarget2D of the reflection.
And yes my wall and ceiling are both got a thickness (no single face poly).
Also make sure to link your reflected textures to the emissive slot but not the diffuse.
Emissive slot, huh? never read about it before cus on the UDN page example for a marble floor they plug in to diffuse after LERP-ing with the diffuse texture it self. Any advantages that we get by plug it in to emissive rather then LERP with diffuse?
I just wish that other new people coming to UDK benefit from my mistake.
Oh and I'll definitely will try plug in the reflection into the emissive slot~
Thanks guys!
I even crank up the brightness of DDLight to 6 and here is the result;
Before light build;
After light rebuild;
I know it's just a personal project but I'm trying to learn UDK and try to approach the real scenario production of limited budget. Any thought guys?
Are you bakeing out the rendertexturecube as static maps?
I would use both 2d and cube for flat surfaces vs objects, if the cube is baked to a static texture.