Hey Guys!
I'm starting up another character for a class assignment. I have 4 weeks to make her so wish me luck. I am basing my character off of a minor character in the comic book "Y the Last Man." It's one of my favorite comic books and even though this character is minor she always held aesthetic appeal. She was originally created by Pia Guerra whose other works you can check out
here. I just got an email back from her getting permission to base my character on hers so I figured I would start the thread and get this rolling.
Here is Pia's character

and here is the base mesh I got so far. Been looking at it for so long so I would love insight critiques. She's supposed to be short, btw.

Still need to make a strap for the bag, jacket, socks and shoes. only have a week left to finish the highpoly so wish me luck.
I decided to add an transparent underskirt to her design. Something that should look like this.
And I intend for it to be lacy and transparent-ish.
And here she is so far. Critiques and comments are always welcome.
Ahh! Right before I took a screenshot I moved around her eyebrows in sub 1 and now that I've posted this I can see that part of her eyeball is poking through. I will fix that.
Here is a closeup on the face. Probably what I have spent the most time on since my last post. I felt like her face looked too similar to an adventure character I had made a while back . So I thought that I really need to try push away from that. I had a beer to help me lose my face inhibitions and last night I ended up making what you see in the middle :poly122: I went to post my progress this morning and after I rendered out that face up close next to my old face I realized I had made something unappealing. Different, but not what I wanted. Resculpted it again and this third attempt looks a lot like the original attempt. Sigh. But it is a little different and a little stronger so maybe it's getting better. Let me know what you guys think.
Right now what stands out most to me to fix is the jacket and the skirt. If you are able to take the time to sculpt out wrinkles in both of them, it will add a lot as far as detail. Right now the skirt looks too stiff, and the jacket looks a bit lumpy.
I understand that do time constraints, you may no be able to put in more detail right now. I would encourage you to take this assignment further outside of class. I think you could come out with a nice portfolio piece if you did. Keep up the good work, and try not to stress to much about it. Have fun!
What is that strap thing coming out from underneath the shirt?
I agree that the patch isn't doing so well. I can readdress that as I go into texturing this week.
So, that strap is from Pia's design of the character and I thought about it as some fancy chain that connected her wallet to her skirt. But now that you have asked I realized that the whole wallet thing falls apart. She is wearing a skirt, so I'm not sure where she is putting the wallet, ha ha. I looked a little closer at the reference photos and I believe that it is actually suspenders...So I will probably duplicate it and fix it to look like suspenders. Good catch with that, thank you.
And here's a higher rez one so you can see all my mistakes ahaha