So I've done some browsing on the forums to try and find an answer to this but so far I've only gone around in a giant circle to find my self in the same position. Nowhere.
Here's a few of my main concerns when it comes to the crunch.
So the question is, how do you create wires and groups of wires for a game environment?
Should I embed it into the texture sheet, or make them a separate entity?
How would I go about unwrapping multiple wires without making a mess on my UV sheet?
How should I set up the scene to get the wires looking smooth with/without the use of normals?
Could & should this be done with decals?
I know it seems a lot to answer but those are the main questions I've had, if not for me but for others to can someone please explain on how to go about this. I've been wrapping my head around how to do this for a while and every attempt has been a failure

PS this is more to do with wires that are pinned against the walls rather than swinging wires, but if someone could elaborate on how to do both it would be EXTREMELY helpful.
There are multiple ways depending on what is appropriate for their purposes. Modeling them out, using plane strips, baking them onto the mesh itself etc.
What kind of 'mess' are you getting? They only get as complicated as cylinders can get right?
I'm assuming you mean without using a normal map texture. You can add more geo for the u span (or is it v span?) or soften the normals depending on how it's done.
It could. Should it? depends on what you're using it for.
It would help if you post images to be more specific on what you're trying to achieve.
This is the scene I'm currently working with, No wires at the moment within engine, but the wires in max are as basic as can be, a square.
(This is my first environment, so please any CONSTRUCTIVE feedback would be awesome)
Cryengine Scene
3DS max atm
I don't want to sound depreciative of your advice, but what do you mean by segments?
Like how I've done it?
- long straight piece
- short straight piece
- L-shape piece
- S-shape piece
- corner-piece
- power box connection piece
So you can model/texture a few modular pieces and then build them all in-engine.
Doing what you have right now isn't wrong. I'm just suggesting another approach.
Alright thanks man,