Hey Guys,
Ok, I am not sure how to totally ask this question because I am trying to learn this. Anyways, basically I want to know how would you go about texturing a house, with multiple objects in the scene in Zbrush, for example, I have separate objects created in Maya - house, windows, wood planks, bricks etc...
What I am trying to do, is, lets say, If I textured my house with all the objects in Maya, I would UV map everything, and keep as much as I can into 1 x 1024 x 1024 for example. Wood planks, bricks, main house piece, windows etc. And then if I textured this in Photoshop, it would be all fine, then I could use say Ndo2, or Crazybump to create a normal map of it all in 1 texture.
But, I want to sculpt details in Zbrush instead, How would I do the same thing as above keeping each objects UV's in 1 x 1024 x 1024 texture, but with Zbrush. Without lets say, exporting my brick into Zbrush, sculpting on it, exporting it out, and it now becoming 1 x 1024 x 1024 texture map and normal map, filling the whole texture space. (I dont want this)
I need to somehow texture/sculpt each object, exported from Maya, to Zbrush, then sculpt on them, and keeping my UV maps from Maya, have all the objects of my house, stay on 1 texture?
I hope that makes sense, any help is greatly appreciated or a walk through on how to do it, cause I am lost...
Thank you
From there you could create polygroups based on the UVs, and then do a subtool group split if they're not already split into individual meshes. Delete any faces which might be stacked, and then just sculpt on the remainder like normal.
If you're baking in zbrush, the multimap exporter plugin should allow you to bake them all at once and automatically composite them back into a single texture. Otherwise, you should be able to merge them back and bake in Maya or Xnormal instead.