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Introducing Amplify Color - Industry Level Color Grading for Unity

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Amplify Color is one of the leading choices for accurate and high performing Industry Level Color Grading. Extremely easy to use and to integrate in your project, no coding required. An efficient color grading extension comparable to industry standards used in VFX and Film, future proof and high-performing even on mobile devices.

Any artist can pick up this extension and quickly color grade a Unity scene. Be it via the semi-automated workflow where it actually connects to Photoshop or with other software such as Nuke, DaVinci Resolve or After Effects using the file mode.

Learn More - Try Now - Manual - Web Demo
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Amplify Color Overview

By using LUT's (Lookup Up Tables), any color profile created can be adjusted and even loaded at run-time allowing users to seamlessly blend between various looks. Users can also use Color Volumes, Dynamic and Depth masking to extend their color based effects.

LUT's combine and retain all external color alterations; among other effects, Color Balance, Curves, Exposure, Contrast, Saturation and Hue adjustments will all apply to your in-game assets. Users can also take advantage of commercially available LUT packs and apply them directly to Unity Exported Reference Images using the File Mode or Photoshop connection.

There are many types of LUT file formats but Amplify Color will only be able to read compatible Look up Tables in bitmap format(1024x32), as do similar effects in Unity; below is an example of a LUT image.


What can a LUT do for RAW media? Check out the video below by the great team at Vision Color to find out and be sure to try out their LUT Packs.

Amplify Color Features:
  • Industry level color grading for 3D/2D Games​
  • High-performance and Mobile-ready​
  • Semi-automated Photoshop workflow​
  • File-based workflow for any other Image Editor​
  • Dynamic blending between profiles​
  • Texture-based per-pixel masking​
  • All Color Alterations Supported​
  • Oculus/VR friendly​
  • Color Volumes​
  • Third-party Effects Volume Blending​
  • Base and Volume LUT mixing​
  • Optimized for mobile​
  • Complete source-code​
  • For Desktops, Consoles & Mobile Devices​
  • NEW! 2D Color Volumes​
  • NEW! Depth-based Masking​
  • NEW! HDR Tone Mapping​
  • NEW! HDR Dithering​
  • NEW! Broader mobile device support​
  • NEW! Improved tools​
Amplify Color Volumes empowers your artists by allowing them to use volumes to efficiently define color correction, effects & events by area. Volumes automatically blend between LUT's, support Base and Volume LUT mixing and Third-party Effects Volume Blending whilst maintaining volume detection accuracy.


Tonemmaping allows for quick and lightweight adjustments without the need to rely on additional camera components or 3rd-party effects, it also provides a HDR Dithering solution allowing for even more accurate results.

Depth Masking allows you to blend different LUT’s based on depth information by simply adjusting a curve as you would with similar Unity components. Create interesting and dynamic scene moods or simply isolate certain assets based on their depth value such as skyboxes or backgrounds models.

Dynamic Masking provides a quick and easy way to isolate assets by taking advantage of the built-in Unity Culling Mask options

Masking assets is extremely quick to setup and it also works great with 2D Games, be sure to check the Project Samples in the Manual Page; section 6 – Dynamic & Depth Masks.


Be sure to contact us if you run into any problems or if you have any questions regarding our products, we would be happy to help. You are all premium users to us, stay in touch, we would love to hear more about your work.


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