So I posted on poly count a few years ago and since then I got a job... as a programmer... hmmm not quite the career path I expected to take!
I've neglected my hobby/passion (3d game art) for the past few years

so looking over some of my old stuff I decided, I miss 3d and I miss poly count.
With this in mind I've tried to get back into the swing of things by taking an old character and re-making him.
And here is how I've progressed so far:
Old character:
Re - make

Rigging/pose - is not complete, need to play with the weights as there are some areas where they are majorly incorrect. Also I'm not sure the pose is quite right (although it looks better in a turntable)
Textures - The wood has been quickly blocked in with colours and had a normal map added.
On the character there's a diffuse,spec,normal and glow - the glow map is orange for the eyes
and veins (because everyone should have orange glowing blood right?!?!)
I welcome
any feedback, paint overs etc, as rusty as I am I prefer people to be blunt in view of improving myself