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Too many texture interpolators (when there aren't too many interpolators)?

polycounter lvl 17
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ambershee polycounter lvl 17
Hi guys!

I've tried this one the Unity forums without much help thus far - I'm getting the fairly common 'too many interpolators' error message when trying to get a relatively simple shader working. I'm using #pragma target 5.0 as I'm only targeting Dx11 hardware and it should be more than adequate.

My struct looks like as follows:
  1. struct MySurfaceOutput
  2. {
  3. half3 Albedo;
  4. half3 Gloss;
  5. half3 FlakeGloss;
  6. half Specular;
  7. half FlakeSpecular;
  8. half3 Normal;
  9. half3 Emission;
  10. };

Which as you can see only adds one additional texture interpolator (and one scalar). What else can throw this error message?




  • Synthesizer
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    Synthesizer polycounter lvl 11
    I'm pretty sure this is caused by the interpolation from vertex to fragment and therefore it's your Input struct you should be looking at. Try sharing uvs for diffuse and normal textures and remove world normal/position if possible. You could also try disabling lightmaps using the "nolightmap" param for your surface shader. That should remove at least one interpolator.
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